Poster presentations

Poster presentations:

Networks members are invited to submit their poster to be presented in one of three themed virtual poster sessions: Methodological advances, Basic bio-imaging and animal models, and Clinical bio-imaging and human studies

Each poster presenter will give a 3-minute flash talk in the main lecture hall, followed by a virtual interactive poster session in individual breakout rooms. Participants will be able to navigate between the poster breakout rooms to interact with presenters, as they would in a traditional in-person poster session.

A prize of $250 will be awarded to the best flash talk presenter in each of the three themed sessions!

Note for poster presenters: In addition to your poster, you will be asked to prepare and upload a single slide to be displayed during your 3-minute flash talk. Abstracts, posters, and flash talks may be presented in either English or French.

Abstract submission and poster upload deadline: March 4, 2021

In order to allow time for us to review and accept your abstract before you upload your poster and flash talk slides, please aim to submit your abstract as soon as possible, otherwise you may have to submit your slides before your abstract has been accepted. All materials must be uploaded prior to the March 4th deadline.

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