Presentation Info
Presentation details
Oral presentations
- Each oral presentation will last 8 minutes + 2-minutes question period.
- The same Zoom link will allow the scrolling of oral presentations, one after the other.
- All presentors will have to share their screen.
- There will be 2 Oral presentation Sessions per half day (for a total of 8 oral presentations / day).
- Since each author will have their unique "Fourwaves" link, it will be possible to connect with them also during the poster session (this period will not be assess).
- IMPORTANT: Type of presentation + date confirmation will be sent two weeks before the meeting (please contact the network ( if you did not received your confirmation).
- Each author will have their unique Fourwaves link, allowing interaction with participants.
- Please schedule a 3-minutes presentation maximum.
- Authors must be available during the period allowed for Poster Session (from 11h30 to 14h00).
- Up to eight (8) people will be able to connect and interact directly with the author.
- There will be 1 Poster Session per half day (for a total of 15-20 posters / day).
- IMPORTANT: Type of presentation + date confirmation will be sent two weeks before the meeting (please contact the network ( if you did not received your confirmation).
The day of the Virtual Meetings
- Attendee must "SIGN IN" on FOURWAVES (email / password) in order to access all Fourwaves features (abstracts + interactive program + interactive virtual poster platform).
- The Scientific programmation is available on the "PROGRAM" tab.
- The Zoom link (registration required) will allow you to follow all conferences.
- During the "Poster Session", you must click on title/authors (Fourwaves link) to connect with the author in the INTERACTIVE FOURWAVES PROGRAM. You will have access to the abstract + poster. To discuss with the author, you must click on "Call presenter". The presenter must accept your request in order to talk to you (notification by email or pop-up on the Fourwaves site will appear). The presenter and the attendee can zoom on the poster. The presenter will be able to share his/her screen during the explanation.
- Up to eight (8) people will be able to connect and interact directly with the presenter.