Past meetings

Friday, December 4 2020

9h00 - Opening remarks from the Director of the VHRN, Michel Cayouette, PhD

9h05 - Plenary Speaker from Retina and Posterior Segment, David Attwell, PhD

Moderator: Adriana Di Polo, PhD

9h45 -9h55 - Break

9h55 - 10h35 - SESSION 1: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Gilbert Bernier, PhD

9h55 : Oral Presentation 1 : S100A16 protein in diabetic retinopathy - FRANCIS NOEL, Xiaolin Yan, Stefan W. Vetter, Élodie Boisselier

10h05: Oral Presentation 2 : Development of a miniaturized fiber optic probe coupled to a needle for intraoperative subretinal injections - ALEXANDRE ABID, Renaud Duval, Christos Boutopoulos

10h15: Oral Presentation 3 : Transcriptional regulation establishes the contra- and ipsilateral fates of retinal projections during development - MICHEL FRIES, Thomas Brown, Awais Javed, Christine Jolicoeur, Camille Boudreau-Pinsonneault, Penelope Abram, Michel Cayouette

10h25: Oral Presentation 4 : Survivin-targeted siRNA sensitizes retinoblastoma cells to melphalan and carboplatin - VICTOR PASSOS GIBSON, Jeanne Leblond Chain, Houda Tahiri, Pierre Hardy

10h35 -10h45 - Break

10h45 - 11h30 - SESSION 2: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Jean-Sébastien Joyal, MD, PhD

10h45: Oral Presentation 5: Influence de Tau dans la plasticité visuelle chez la souris - LÉA RODRIGUEZ, Julius Baya Mdzomba, Sandrine Joly, Vincent Pernet

10h55: Oral Presentation 6: Role of vascular senescence in ischemic retinopathy - SERGIO CRESPO-GARCIA, François Binet, Agnieszka Dejda, Gael Cagnone, Frederik Fournier, Manuel Buscarlet, Frederique Pilon, Vera Guber, Frederick A Mallette, Jean-Sebastien Joyal, Przemyslaw Sapieha

Grant Recipients « Pilot-Project for Early Career Investigators »

11h05: Oral Presentation 7: Inter-pericyte tunneling nanotubes regulate neurovascular coupling - LUIS ALARCON-MARTINEZ, Deborah Villafranca-Baughman, Heberto Quintero, Benjamin Kacerovsky, Florence Dotigny, Keith K. Murai, Alexandre Prat, Pierre Drapeau, Adriana Di Polo

11h15: Oral Presentation 8: Noncanonical TGFb signaling promotes specialized neuroretina tip-cell sprouting - ALEXANDRE DUBRAC, Georgia Zarkada, Joel Howard, Xue Xiao, Severine Leclerc, Gael Cagnone, Jean Sébastien Joyal, Gregor Andelfinger, Anne Eichmann


11h30 - 12h30 - SESSION 3: Poster Presentations

POSTER 41: L’impact d’une tâche cognitive sur le contrôle postural des personnes âgées, avec et sans déficience visuelle -Clara Amillac, Lucie Mathieu, Alexander Lestage, Sophie Hallot, Stephanie Pietrangelo, Caitlin Murphy, Judith Renaud, Ross Clark, Karen Li, Aaron Johnson

POSTER 42: Maturation différentielle de la sensibilité au contraste achromatique et chromatique - Mathilde Champagne-Hamel, Kevin Bastien, Dave Saint-Amour

POSTER 43: Étude du rôle des vésicules extracellulaires dans le processus métastatique du mélanome uvéal - Kelly Coutant, Léo Piquet, Andrew Mitchell, Julie Bérubé, François Bordereau, Alain Brisson, Solange Landreville

POSTER 44: The role of adipose tissue-retina axis in choroidal neovascularization - Roberto Diaz Marin, Sergio Crespo-Garcia, Frédérik Fournier, Frédérique Pilon, Vincent De Guire, Przemyslaw Sapieha

POSTER 45: Analysis of rodent scotopic oscillatory potentials at extremely dim flashes shown in time and frequency domains - Mercedes Gauthier, Anna Polosa, Jean-Marc Lina, Pierre Lachapelle

POSTER 46: Glaucoma Risk Factors and Outcomes Following Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1 Surgery - Dominique Geoffrion, Mona Harissi-Dagher

POSTER 47: Free fatty acid receptor 1 restrains autophagy and oxidative metabolism in photoreceptors - Émilie Heckel, Gael Cagnone, Tapan Agnihotri, Bertan Cakir, Jin Sung Kim, Flavio Rezende, Gregor Andelfinger, Clary B. Clish, Lois E.H Smith, Jean-Sébastien Joyal

POSTER 48: Membrane interaction of retinal proteins S100A1 and S100 - Paul Jaouen, Élodie Boisselier

POSTER 49: La farnésylation du segment C-terminal de la rhodopsine kinase joue un rôle essentiel dans sa liaison membranaire - Marc-Antoine Millette, Christian Salesse

POSTER 50: Canadian Ophthalmology Residency Match in a Virtual Era - Anne Xuan-Lan Nguyen, Ian Clark, Karim Damji, Patrick Hamel, Marie-Lyne Bélair, Émilie Goodyear, Isabelle Hardy

POSTER 51: Displacements of retinal blood vessels in patients with hereditary retinal degenerations - Anne Xuan-Lan Nguyen, Clara Tardif, Louis-Félix Berthiaume, Mercedes Gauthier, Pierre Lachapelle

POSTER 52: Affinité membranaire de segments de la lécithine rétinol acyltransférase - Sarah Roy, Olivier Gosselin, Stéphane M. Gagné, Christian Salesse

POSTER 53: Expression de protéines matricielles dans la dystrophie endothéliale cornéenne de fuchs et leur impact sur l’adhésion cellulaire - Ange Tchatchouang, Mathieu Thériault, Stéphanie Proulx

POSTER 54: Three-year outcomes of second-generation trabecular micro-bypass stents (iStent inject) with phacoemulsification in various glaucoma subtypes and severities - Harrison Watt, Ali Salimi, Paul Harasymowycz

POSTER 55: In situ Synthesis of Ketone Bodies by Retinal Endothelial Cells Promotes Pathological Angiogenesis in Proliferative Retinopathy - Candace Yang, Gael Cagnone, Emilie Heckel, Tapan Agnihotri, Sheetal Pundir, Grant Mitchell, Lois Smith, Jean-Sébastien Joyal

POSTER 56: COCO a novel anti-angiogenic protein as a potential therapy for wet AMD and ROP - Natalija Popovic, Andrea Barabino, Manuel Buscarlet, Gilbert Bernier, Bruno Larrivée


12h30 - End of the presentations

13h30 - Prizes

13h40 - End of the meeting

Friday, January 29 2021

9h00 - Opening remarks from the Director of the VHRN, Michel Cayouette, PhD

9h05 - Plenary Speaker from Visual Impairment and Rehabilitation, Aurélie Calabrèse, PhD

Moderator: Walter Wittich, PhD

9h45 -9h55 - Break

9h55 - 10h35 - SESSION 4: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Aaron Johnson, PhD

9h55 : Oral Presentation 9 : Fractional anisotropy measurements along the visual pathway are correlated with visual evoked potentials in term asphyxiated neonates treated with hypothermia - ALIONA FEZOUA, Suna Jung, Parissa Owji, Allison Dorfman, Pierre Lachapelle, Pia Wintermark

10h05: Oral Presentation 10 : A novel, non-invasive functional test to detect a reduction in light absorbed by photoreceptors - MARYAM REZAEI, Gerry Nour Chamaa, Clément Rodrigue, Judith Renaud, Remy Allard

10h15: Oral Presentation 11 : Simulating dyslexia: A font study - ZOEY STARK, Leon Franzen, Vanessa Soldano, Aaron Johnson

10h25: Oral Presentation 12 : An allosteric interleukin-1 receptor modulator alleviates inflammation and photoreceptor death in a model of retinal degeneration - RABAH DABOUZ, Colin Cheng WH, Pénélope Abram, Samy Omri, Gael Cagnone, Khushnouma Virah Sawmy, Jean-Sébastien Joyal, Michel Desjarlais, Carlos José Rivera, Sylvain Chemtob

10h35 -10h45 - Break

10h45 - 11h30 - SESSION 5: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Aaron Johnson, PhD

10h45: Oral Presentation 13: Exploring the influence of reading medium on the braille performance outcomes of younger and older adults using a case series approach - NATALINA MARTINIELLO, Walter Wittich

10h55: Oral Presentation 14: Évaluation du potentiel thérapeutique des cellules endothéliales cornéennes ayant maturées en présence de TGF-β - KIM SANTERRE, Mathieu Thériault, Stéphanie Proulx

11h05: Oral Presentation 15: Metabolic shift to glycolysis leads to physiologic angiogenic revascularization - SHEETAL PUNDIR, Gael Cagnone, Emilie Heckel, Jin Sung Kim, Candace Yang, Jean-Sébastien Joyal

11h15: Oral Presentation 16: BCOR is a co-repressor of the retinal transcription factors OTX2/CRX associated with pediatric inherited retinal degeneration - MAEVA LANGOUET, Christine Jolicoeur, Pierre Mattar, Awais Javed, Robert Koenekoop, Michel Cayouette


11h25 - 14h00 - SESSION 6: Poster Presentations

POSTER 33-IF: A Retinal Image Database Containing Visual Function Measures for Research and Teaching Purposes - AARON JOHNSON, Caitlin Murphy, Michael Kapusta, William Seiple, Donald Fletcher, Ronald Schuchard5, Julie-Andrée Marinier

POSTER 34-IF: Tissus oculaires pour la recherche en vision - KIM SANTERRE, Mathieu Thériault, Stéphanie Proulx

POSTER 57: Determining optimal lighting conditions for reading in low vision - CYNTHIA ADDONA, Elliott Morrice, Caitlin Murphy, Vanessa Soldano, Walter Wittich, Aaron Johnson (AVAILABLE ONLY AFTER 12h30)

POSTER 58: Les forces hydrodynamiques influencent la formation et le maintien des jonctions intercellulaires de l'endothélium cornéen - PRINCIA ANNEY, Mathieu Thériault, Stéphanie Proulx

POSTER 59: Is there a real advantage in using 3D printing to produce tactile maps for blind individuals? - MAXIME BLEAU, Natalina Martiniello, Joe Nemargut, Maurice Ptito

POSTER 60: Importance des tryptophanes de la recoverine pour sa structure et son calcium-myristoyl switch - OLIVIER GOSSELIN, Sarah Roy, Line Cantin, Christian Salesse

POSTER 61: Fixation Stability: Does it affect posture and balance in vision impairment - SOPHIE HALLOT, Stephanie Pietrangelo, Caitlin Murphy, Michael Kapusta, Karen Li, Aaron Johnson

POSTER 62: Ocular and cognitive metrics predict safe intersection crossings in a driving simulator - MATTHEW MARTIN, Brandon Huard-Nicholls, Aaron Johnson

POSTER 63: Drusen of Low Reflectivity and Cognitive Impairment - CAITLIN MURPHY, Sophie Hallot, Stephanie Pietrangelo, Michael Kapusta, William Seiple, Aaron Johnson

POSTER 64: Étude de portée : procédures de dépistage des symptômes dépressifs dans la population âgée atteinte de déficience visuelle - AUDE ROUISSE, Frédéric Dombrowski, Renaud Judith, Caroline Faucher, Judith Renaud

POSTER 65: Validation of the International Reading Speed Texts in a Sample of Older (60+) Canadian Adults - VANESSA SOLDANO, Elliott Morrice, Cynthia Addona, Caitlin Murphy, Aaron Johnson



14h00 - End of presentations

16h00 - Prizes for best oral and poster presentations (see your email)

Friday, March 26 2021

9h00 - Opening remarks from the Director of the VHRN, Michel Cayouette, PhD

9h05 - Plenary Speaker from Cornea and Anterior Segment, James Chodosh, PhD

Moderator: May Griffith, PhD

9h45 -9h55 - Break

9h55 - 10h35 - SESSION 7: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Isabelle Brunette, MD, FRCSC

9h55 : Oral Presentation 17 : Tear Film Cytokine Profile of Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1 Patients with Glaucoma - DOMINIQUE GEOFFRION, Marie-Claude Robert, Adriana Di Polo, Robert K. Koenekoop, Younes Agoumi, Mona Harissi-Dagher

10h05: Oral Presentation 18 : The role of cell division orientation in tissue size control - BENOIT BOULAN, Marine Lacomme, Ko Currie, Michel Cayouette

10h15: Oral Presentation 19 : Long term corneal stromal wound repair in feline eyes with LiQD cornea: a cell-free liquid hydrogel - ALEJANDRO JUAREZ, Chris D. McTiernan, Mohamed Djallali, Marilyse Piché, Fiona Simpson, May Griffith, Isabelle Brunette

10h25: Oral Presentation 20 : Contribution des mélanocytes et de leurs facteurs sécrétés dans la protection des cellules de l’EPR contre la mort induite par un stress oxydatif - JULIEN BLOUIN, Julie Bérubé, William Gauthier-Naud, Kim Santerre, Solange Landreville, Stéphanie Proulx

10h35 -10h45 - Break

10h45 - 11h30 - SESSION 8: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Stéphanie Proulx, PhD

10h45: Oral Presentation 21: Gold nanoparticles as slow-release drug delivery system for two pharmacological agents to improve corneal wound healing in rabbits - PASCALE DESJARDINS, Alexis Loiseau, Élodie Boisselier, Lucie Germain, Sylvain Guérin

10h55: Oral Presentation 22: Long-Term Ophthalmologic Outcome of Young Adults Born Extremely Preterm - TIANWEI (ELLEN) ZHOU, Pierre-olivier Kassis, Patrick Hamel, Sylvain Chemtob, Anne Monique Nyut, Thuy Mai Luu

11h05: Oral Presentation 23: Eligibility Criteria in Published Glaucoma Clinical Trials - DANIEL MILAD, David Mikhail, Jean Mardenli, Andrew Toren

11h15: Oral Presentation 24: Drug loading and release studies with gold nanoparticles as new drug delivery systems in ophthalmology - GABRIELLE RAICHE-MARCOUX, Alexis Loiseau, Elodie Boisselier


11h25 - 14h00 - SESSION 9: Poster Presentations

POSTER 67 : Uncovering the role of Msx1 in bipotent retinal progenitor cells of the ciliary margin - SEPIDEH ABBASI, Michel Cayouette

POSTER 68 : Validating A Non-Contact Corneal Aesthesiometer (NCCA) in Normal Eyes - AHMED AMAYEM, Hamid Orimi, Sharifa Beroual, Charles-Édouard Giguère, Christos Boutopoulos, Isabelle Brunette

POSTER 69 : Object Recognition in Early Visual Areas and the Lateral Occipital Complex – a study with emerging images - MARLEEN BAKKER, Hinke Halbertsma, Barbara Nordhjem, Frans Cornelissen

POSTER 70 : The Effect of Simulated Vision Impairment on the Posture & Balance of Younger & Older Adults - PATRICE DENNIS, Stephanie Pietrangelo, Sophie Hallot, Caitlin Murphy, Ross Clark, Kareen Li, Aaron Johnson

POSTER 71 : Robust statistics in pupillometry research support the dissociation of individual-level known and unknown objects - LÉON FRANZEN, Amanda Cabugao, Aaron Johnson, Bianca Grohmann

POSTER 72 : Liaison membranaire du segment C-terminal acylé de la rhodopsine kinase - CAMILLE GAGNON, Marc-Antoine Millette, Christian Salesse

AFFICHE 73 : Boston Type I Keratoprosthesis versus Penetrating Keratoplasty Following a Single Failed Corneal Graft - DIANA KHAIR, Jonathan El-Khoury, Roy Daoud, Paul Thompson, Louis Racine, Mona Harissi-Dagher

POSTER 74 : Retroprosthetic Membrane Formation in Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1: Incidence, Predisposing Factors, Complications and Treatment - DIANA KHAIR, Roy Daoud, Mona Harissi-Dagher

POSTER 75 : Identifying the physiological and cognitive correlates of braille reading speed among adults with visual impairment - NATALINA MARTINIELLO, Meaghan Barlow, Walter Wittich

POSTER 76 : Validation of a French version of the Visual Function and Corneal Health Status (V-FUCHS) questionnaire for the assessment of patients with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy - GUILLAUME A. MULLIE, Alejandro Juarez, Antoine Etcheverry, Nassima Taleb, Tanguy Boutin, Johanna Choremis, Michèle Mabon, Julia C. Talajic, Charles-Édouard Giguère, Isabelle Brunette

POSTER 77 : Public perception of “laser-assisted” blepharoplasty versus “blade-assisted” blepharoplasty - ANNE XUAN-LAN NGUYEN, Victoria C. Leung, Fares Antaki, Isabelle Hardy, Rafic Antonios, Patrick R. Boulos

POSTER 78 : miRNA Let-7f Induces Cellular Senescence and Exacerbates Oxidative Stress in Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells - CHRISTINA ORTIZ, Saeideh Shani, Houda Tahiri, Chun Yang, Carl Fortin, Pierre Hardy

POSTER 79 : The Effect of Simulated and Real Vision Impairment on Balance & Posture of Older Adults - STEPHANIE PIETRANGELO, Sophie Hallot, Caitlin Murphy, Ross Clark, Karen Li, Aaron Johnson

POSTER 80 : The indications and results of the PROKERA Bio-Tissue – our experience at Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal - TIANWEI (ELLEN) ZHOU, Marie-Claude Robert


14h00 - End of presentations

16h00 - Prizes for best oral and poster presentations (see your email)

Friday, May 21 2021

9h00 - Opening remarks from the Director of the VHRN, Michel Cayouette, PhD

9h05 - Plenary Speaker from Brain and Perception Axis, Christopher Pack, PhD

Moderator: Jean-François Bouchard, Bpharm, PhD

9h45 -9h55 - Break

9h55 - 10h35 - SESSION 10: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Stuart Trenholm, PhD

9h55 : Oral Presentation 25 : Expression and localization of the CB1 receptor, FAAH, and NAPE-PLD in the inferior pulvinar of the vervet monkey - CATARINA MICAELO-FERNANDES, Joseph Bouskila, Jean-François Bouchard, Maurice Ptito

10h05: Oral Presentation 26 : Cages automatisées d’imagerie calcique du cortex visuel à haut débit chez la souris - ISMAEL DJEROUROU, Enzo Delamarre, Solenn Tissier, Maurice Ptito, Matthieu Vanni

10h15: Oral Presentation 27 : Lack of LGN protein reduces visual acuity performance in mice - LAMYAE IKAN, Christian Casanova

10h25: Oral Presentation 28 : Ocular dominance plasticity in amblyopia: The shift in ocular dominance depends on the duration of deprivation - SEUNG MHYUN (SAM) MIN, Yiya Chen, Zhifen He, Jiawei Zhou, Robert Hess

10h35 -10h45 - Break

10h45 - 11h35 - SESSION 11: Oral Presentations

Moderator: Stuart Trenholm, PhD

Grant Recipients

« Pilot-Project for Early Career Investigators »

10h45: Oral Presentation 29: Cartographie fonctionnelle du cortex visuel et moteur de la souris grâce à la neurophotonique - MATTHIEU VANNI, Véronique Chouinard, Solenn Tissier, Ismael Djerourou, Enzo Delamarre, Valérie Daigneault, Bruno Oliveira

11h00: Oral Presentation 30: Retinal endothelial cell biology to understand vascular retinopathy - MALIKA OUBAHA, Tracy Smith, Jean-Sébastien Joyal, Jean-Philippe Gratton


11h15: Oral Presentation 31: Assistive device use and employment among people with visual impairment in Canada - SHIKHA GUPTA, Mahadeo Sukhai, Walter Wittich

11h25: Oral Presentation 32: Association Between Urinary Thallium and Diabetic Retinopathy - ANNE XUAN-LAN NGUYEN, Leonardo Landó, Xuan-Vi Trinh, Jerry Kurian, Albert Y. Wu, Vincent Quoc-Huy Trinh


11h35 - 14h00 - SESSION 12: Poster Presentations


POSTER 35-IF: COVID-19 Eye Registry (COVER) – Registry of Ophthalmological Manifestations of COVID-19 - MÉLANIE HÉBERT, SOUMAYA BOUHOUT, Ellen E. Freeman, MARIE-JOSÉE AUBIN

POSTER 36-IF: Banque québécoise pour la recherche sur le mélanome uvéal - JULIE BÉRUBÉ, Claudine Bellerive, Solange Landreville

POSTER 37-IF: Plateforme d’Analyse Génomique de Cellules individuelles - GAEL CAGNONE, Jean-Sébastien Joyal

POSTER 38-IF: Canadian Patient Registry for Inherited Retinal Diseases (IRDs) - GLENDA VARGAS, Robert Koenekoop

POSTER 39-IF: Repository of Tools for Vision Rehabilitation - ORVIS - Catherine Houtekier, Sylvie Cantin, WALTER WITTICH

POSTER 40-IF: Banque de données pour la caractérisation fonctionnelle, anatomopathologique et chirurgicale de la cornée - JEAN MEUNIER, Isabelle Brunette, Mona Dagher, Marie-Claude Robert, Julia Talajic


POSTER 81 : Injectable bioresponsive collagen analogs patch perforations in a mouse alkali burn-surgical model of high-risk corneal pathology - NAOUFAL AKLA, Fiona Simpson, Elle Edin, Marie-Claude Robert, May Griffith

POSTER 82 : Holistic Comparison Between Normal and Optogenetically Restored Vision - NICOLE ARNOLD, Keila Rojas Garcia, Rudi Tong, Aude Villemain, Stuart Trenholm

POSTER 83 : Independent sensory strategies enable stable head direction representation in sighted and blind animals - KADJITA ASUMBISA, Adrien Peyrache, Stuart Trenholm

POSTER 84 : Agreement of subjective and behavioural sensory assessments of sensory impairments in individuals with or at risk for dementia: Analyses plan - GABRIELLE AUBIN, Faisal Al-Yawer, M Kathleen Pichora-Fuller, Natalie Phillips, Walter Wittich

POSTER 85 : Le EyeCane comme aide électronique à la navigation chez les individus aveugles: possibilités et limitations - MAXIME BLEAU, Samuel Paré, Ismaël Djerourou, Ron Kupers, Maurice Ptito

POSTER 86 : Transferrable Skills from Eccentric-Viewing Training: The Effect on Balance and Posture - SOPHIE HALLOT, Hana Boxerman, Caitlin Murphy, William Seiple, Ross Clark, Karen Li, Julie-Andrée Marinier, Aaron Johnson

POSTER 87 : Déclin de la sensibilité au mouvement avec le vieillissement sain, principalement due à une diminution du taux d'absorption des photorécepteurs - ASMA BRAHAM CHAOUCHE, Daphné Silvestre, Arthur Trognon, Angélo Arleo, Rémy Allard

POSTER 88 : The role of neuron-glia communication in postnatal retinal development - THOMAS BROWN, Adele Tufford, Michel Cayouette

POSTER 89 : Propriétés tumorigéniques des cellules cancéreuses du mélanome uvéal cultivées en 3D ou sur une matrice extracellulaire​ - OLIVIER CHANCY, Léo Piquet, Kelly Coutant, Julie Bérubé, Solange Landreville

POSTER 90 : Impact de l’inactivation des aires visuelles corticales sur la perception chez la souris - VÉRONIQUE CHOUINARD, Matthieu Vanni

POSTER 91 : Cortical visual hierarchy is modulated by pulvinar contrast control gain - NELSON CORTES, Bruno de Souza, Christian Casanova

POSTER 92 : Génération de lignées isogéniques pour les mutations GNAQ/GNA11 et BAP1 avec CRISPR/Cas9 comme modèles d’études du mélanome oculaire - AURÉLIE FUENTES-RODRIGUEZ, Andrew Mitchell, Solange Landreville

POSTER 93 : Contribution du récepteur GPR55 à la synaptogenèse - PHILIPPE GERMAIN, Aurélie Stil, Samuel Laroche, Jean-François Bouchard

POSTER 94 : Enablers and Barriers in the Continuum of Care for Older Adults with Concurrent Vision and Hearing Loss: A Scoping Review - ATUL JAISWAL, Peter Holzhey, Chantal Kreidy, Abinethaa Paramasivam, Sangeetha Santhakumaran, Shirley Dumassais, Gabrielle Aubin, Shikha Gupta, Walter Wittich

POSTER 95 : The Impact of Inherited Retinal Diseases on Canadian Patients: A Mixed Methods Study - IMAAN ZERA KHERANI, Chad Andrews, Jennifer A. Pereira, Larissa S. Moniz, Cynthia Qian

POSTER 96 : L’activation du GPR81/HCAR1 récepteur du lactate augmente la croissance axonale des CGR pendant le développement - SAMUEL LAROCHE, Aurélie Stil, Philippe Germain, Sylvain Chemtob, Jean-François Bouchard

POSTER 97 : A Quantitative Analysis of the atrophy of the retinofugal projections in Congenital and Late-Onset Blindness - SAMUEL PARÉ, Maurice Ptito, Laurence Dricot, Carlo Cavaliere, Francesco Tomaiuolo, Ron Kupers

POSTER 98 : Implication de la signalisation NOGO/NGR1 sur l’activité vasoréparatrice des cellules endothéliales progénitrices (EPCs): potentiel impact sur la revascularisation défaillante observée lors de la rétinopathie induite par l’oxygène (OIR) - PAKIZA RUKNUDIN, Michel Desjarlais, Maëlle Wirth, Isabelle Lahaie, Sylvain Chemtob

POSTER 99 : Réorganisation fonctionnelle du cortex visuel suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique chez la souris - SOLENN TISSIER, Catherine Albert, Véronique Chouinard, Bruno Oliveira, Christian Casanova, Jean-François Bouchard, Matthieu Vanni

POSTER 100 : Glia-derived S100B promotes pericyte-mediated capillary constriction and reduced blood flow in glaucomatous and ischemic retinas - DEBORAH VILLAFRANCA-BAUGHMAN, Luis Alarcon-Martinez, Nicolas Belforte, Florence Dotigny, Adriana Di Polo

POSTER 101 : The anti-inflammatory properties of microRNA-125 limit the vasoobliteration in a rat model of oxygen-induced retinopathy - MAELLE WIRTH, Michel Desjarlais, Isabelle Lahaie, Samy Omri, Rabah Dabouz, José Carlos Rivera, Sylvain Chemtob

14h00 - End of presentations

16h00 - Prizes for best oral and poster presentations (see your email)

This concludes the last VHRN Virtual Meeting for 2020-2021.

Thank you all for your participation!

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