Science POP a besoin de vous!

Soutenir notre compétition locale de Science POP, c'est :

- faire rayonner les travaux de recherche en sciences de la santé du Québec;
- contribuer à la formation de la relève étudiante et découvrir les vulgarisateurs de demain;
- pérenniser une initiative qui assurera le dialogue et le partage entre la science et la société.

Nous vous proposons différents échelons de partenariats pour nous soutenir dans cette initiative.

Science POP a besoin de vous!

Bronze Sponsor (500$ to 999$):

  • Logo on the website of our competition
  • Logo on the printed promotional material (program, flyers, tickets, etc.)

Silver Sponsor (1000$ to 1499$):

  • Logo on the website of our competition
  • Logo on the printed promotional material (program, flyers, tickets, etc.)
  • Large-scale logo on screen during coffee breaks
  • Special acknowledgement during opening and closing speeches
  • Special acknowledgement on social media

Gold Sponsor (1500$ to 2499$) :

  • Logo on the website of our competition
  • Logo on the printed promotional material (program, flyers, tickets, etc.)
  • Large-scale logo on screen during coffee breaks
  • Special acknowledgement during opening and closing speeches
  • Special acknowledgement on social media
  • Award(s) named in recognition of your sponsorship
  • VIP ticket(s) (max. 2)

Platinum Sponsor (>2500$) :

  • Logo on the website of our competition
  • Logo on the printed promotional material (program, flyers, tickets, etc.)
  • Large-scale logo on screen during coffee breaks
  • Special acknowledgement during opening and closing speeches
  • Special acknowledgement on social media
  • Award(s) named in recognition of your sponsorship
  • VIP ticket(s) (max. 2)
  • Full page dedicated to your sponsorship on the printed program of the competition
  • Distribution of flyers or coupons during the competition
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