Exhibitors & Sponsors

Exhibits & Poster Sessions Floor Plan

Online Exhibitor & Sponosr Reservation Form

Please click on the following link to access the Sponsorship & Exhibitor Registeration Form hosted on the CSM website. The form includes an image of the floor plan (to be updated) and you will need to indicate the top three choices for a booth. Please note below the booths that have already been reserverd by other companies. The booth are assigned on first come first served basis. The new reservation form will allow you to pay with Etransfer, Cheque or Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard or Amex). There will be a credit card fee of 2.5% charged automatically if payment by credit charge is chosen.

    Exhibitors Guidelines:

    Shipping Information:

    Early shipments will be received and stored starting from June TBA, the official decorating company of the SCM-CSM2025 Montréal Conference. Please download the document below for more details and to order any extra supplies.

    Exhibit Location: Omni Gym, Université de Montréal. The Omni Gym is a 15 minutes walk from the Jean Brillant builiding where the scientific sessions and lunch will be held.

    Exhibit Setup: Tuesay, June 17, 2025 between 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (To be confirmed) A representative from (TBA) will be on site during these times.

    Exhibit Dismantle: Wednesday, June 18 after 8:00 PM

    Exhibits Dates & Times:
    Tuesday, June 17, 2025: 6:00 -8:00 PM EST following the Opening Reception that will be held at the same location from 4:30 - 6:00 PM. Exhibitors are encouraged to attend the Opening Reception.
    Wednesday, June 18, 2025: 5:30 - 7:30 PM EST

    Booth Details (To be confirmed):

    10' X 10' Booth, 3' side rails
    1 - 6' X 30" table with skirted black with white plastic on top
    1 - 6' X 30" table with skirted black with white plastic on top in the back
    2- padded banquet chairs
    1 waste basket

    Electric outlets:

    Exhibitors were instructed to identify their electric requirements on the exhibit reservation form. Please advise Mrs. Wafaa Antonious if your equipment requires a high voltage usage, arrangements will need to be made with the Gym Management for extra fees. One electric plug will be provided per booth. Each booth will have access to enough power for a laptop or equivalent electronic device. Please bring a 10’ extension cord since outlets may not be directly adjacent to your booth.

    Delegate Bags Inserts:

    Please forward 500 flyers to be included in the delegates' bags by June 7, 2025 to:

    Dr. Adnane Sellam, CSM2025 Conference Chair
    Professor/Professeur titulaire
    Montreal Heart Institute
    Université de Montréal
    Department of Microbiology-Infectious Disease and Immunology
    5000, rue Bélanger
    Montréal (Québec) H1T 1C8
    Tel.: Ask Adnane
    Email: adnane.sellam@umontreal.ca

    Storage of Empty Boxes During Exhibit Days:

    Empty boxes can be stored either under your tables or behind the piped curtain which will be at the back of your booth.

    Securing your equipment overnight:

    The Omni Gym will be locked at the end of the exhibit day after clean up, but can not be considered 100% secured. Please take with you at the end of every day any expensive equipment that can be easily picked up. Please contact Wafaa Antonious if you need to discuss this matter further or need to make alternative arrangements.

    Concerns & Questions:

    Mrs. Wafaa H. Antonious CSM Secretariat & 2025 Conference Organizer
    Rofail Conference & management Services (RCMS)
    17 Dossetter Way
    Ottawa, ON K1G 4S3
    Tel.: 613 421 7229 Cell: 613 867 5795
    Email: Info@csm-scm.org

    Extra Services and supplies provided by TBA

    Please download the following file to order extra services and supplies provided by TBA, the official decorating company of the CSM2025 Montreal Conference. Those extra services include early shipment information.

      Detailed Sponsorship, Marketing & Exhibit Information

      Please download the file for detailed information.

      Summary of Support Levels and Benefits

      Université de Montréal will host the 74th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM) from June17 to 20, 2025. We have planned an outstanding scientific and professional development program and anticipate attendance of over 400 scientists from Canada, the United States, and overseas, including faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate researchers. This dynamic research forum represents a valuable opportunity to showcase your company, products, or services to a broad audience of scientists who have interests encompassing applied and environmental microbiology, infection and immunity, and molecular genetics and cellular microbiology. We hope that your company will consider participating in this international event.

      Outlined below are the various ways in which you can participate in the CSM 2025 Montreal Conference. Details of each of these corporate opportunities are provided in the information package below (prices are in Canadian dollars). Please feel free to contact Mrs. Wafaa H. Antonious, CSM Secretariat and Conference Organizer, with any questions or requests that you may have (613-421-7229; info@csm-scm.org).

      Conference Support Levels & Benefits: (Please refer to the Detailed Sponsorship, Marketing and Exhibit Information document (top of the page) for details of the benefits of each category listed below)

      Platinum ($5,000 & above)
      Gold ($3,000 - $4,999)
      Silver ($1,500 - $2,999)
      Bronze ($750 - $1,499)
      Exhibitor ($1,800)

      We greatly value and appreciate the generous contributions of our sponsors, who make the CSM conference possible. Depending on the level of sponsorship, contributors should expect maximum exposure and visibility in our program on our international website and through the delegates bags' inserts. Sponsors also have the opportunity to hold a half hour workshop, sponsor a specific session, a coffee break, or keynote lecture. We look forward to working with each of our sponsors to ensure that they receive an exceptional value commensurate with their generous level of support.

      Awards Support
      Student Symposium Award ($1,250) (Please refer to the Detailed Sponsorship, Marketing and Exhibit Information document (top of the page) for further details)

      Exhibitors not only make a generous contribution to the conference, but also provide essential information and resources for our participants. Exhibits, poster sessions, and lunches are planned for 2 days on June 17 & 18, 2025. For our exhibitors, we have arranged the locations of events to maximize contact with the conference attendees. Exhibitors will be in the , where poster sessions, and refreshments will be held. In addition, each conference attendee will participate in a passport system that encourages them to visit vendor booths in order to win prizes. Exhibitors are encouraged to participate with door prizes for the draw. Please contact Wafaa Antonious and advise her of what you are planning to bring for the door prizes. Pleae refer to the Floor plan (TBA), contact Wafaa Antonious and provide her with your first three choices for your booth location. Please refer to the Exhibitors Guidelines (TBA) for all the details related to the Exhibits & Workshops.


      1) Logo on Exhibitor Page
      2) Booth for 2 days
      3) Passport System
      4) Complimentary Lunch
      5) 1 Complimentary registration to attend the scientific sessions.

      Delegate Bag Inserts:
      Market your company by providing maximum of 4 page flyer to include in the delegate bags. If interested please access the Exhibitor Registration form and choose “Delegate Bag Advertising Inserts” $750 + HST. You will be advised a month before the conference of the number of flyers you need to provide. Your company will be considered a Bronze Sponsor. It is our sincerest hope that you will consider participating in this event, either as a sponsor or as an exhibitor. We are planning a fantastic meeting and would be delighted to have your partnership towards our goal.

      Thank you for your consideration and support of the Canadian research community. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or other ideas.

      Exhibit & Workshops Online Reservation Form

      Summary of Support Levels and Benefits


      $5,000 & Above


        (3,000 - $4,999)

          Exhibitors / Workshops


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