As part of the 2021 Symposium, the RQR will present two Knowledge Transfer (KT) awards: a researcher award and a trainee award. The two winners will receive an honorary plaque at the Symposium and the student will also receive a $500 prize. To apply, please complete the attached form and send it by email to by September 1st.

Please note that it is also possible to nominate another member, either a trainee or a researcher.

The aim of the KT award is to make RQR members aware of the importance of establishing links between researchers and end users, and also to make the RQR known to end-users, so to talk about us! By end users and industry, we mean people who benefit from the results of our research - the general public, government, industry, veterinarians, clinicians, pharmaceutical and biotech companies etc... It is their needs, their questions and their problems that should direct our research!

Applications will be evaluated according to the type of transfer activity. It may be a “Café Scientifique” for the general public, a radio or television interview, an article in an industry magazine (such as Le producteur de lait Québécois), a lecture given at a user congress (such as Le Symposium des bovins laitiers etc.) or simply the act of participating in transfer activities organized by the RQR (24h of science, the science literacy week, training workshop on knowledge transfer, Café Scientifique, etc.). We mean popular science to make information (or research results) accessible to users.

If you publish an article or give a conference or an interview aimed at the general public or at end-users, you are requested, throughout the year, to keep me informed. I could send you the RQR logo in order to attach it to your communication (review article, for example) which will be announced in the "upcoming events or published articles" section of the RQR blog. It is likely that other members of the RQR will be interested in your work, especially trainees. I also remain at your disposal if you need help with these activities, either for the organization or dissemination of information. These initiatives on your part will strengthen our renewal application with the FRQNT, which, of course, will benefit all of us!

Thank you for your usual collaboration!

KT Form

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