Code of conduct
Commitment to Provide a Safe Environment
All TMD conferences are organized such that scientists who participate can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation.
Attendees Code of Conduct: TMD communicates ethical and professional principles and rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and professional setting. Unacceptable behaviors include but not limited to:
· Disruption of presentations during sessions and not complying with the instructions of the moderator.
· Capturing/copying and sharing information about presentations without permission of the presenters/ investigators /collaborators.
Therefore, the TMD chairs of the meeting ask all attendees to respect and behave according to these principles and agreements established by the event organizers. Unaccepted behaviors will result in actions taken to stop, correct, and, when necessary, discipline behavior that violates our policies.

15th International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation
TMD chairs and organizers are committed to:
· Respecting the dignity of all individuals and striving to uphold a just community where discrimination and hate are not tolerated.
· We are ensuring freedom of expression and dialogue that elicits the full spectrum of views our varied communities hold.
· We respect the differences and commonalities that bring us together and call for civility and respect in our interactions.
· Believing that active participation and leadership in addressing the most pressing issues facing our local and global communities are central to our mission.
· Embracing that open and equitable access to opportunities for learning and development is our obligation and goal.

Expectations of Behavior
TMD chairs and organizers condemn inappropriate or suggestive acts or comments that demean another person because of their gender, gender identity or expression, race, religion, ethnicity, age, or disability or that are unwelcome or offensive to other attendees and their guests. Attendees are expected to behave by these policies, including:
Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action in the conference: TMD prohibits discrimination against any attendee of the conference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, gender transition status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services.
TMD also recognizes that retaliation for reporting harassment is also a violation of this policy, as is reporting an incident in bad faith. Individuals should not be intimidated, exposed, pressured, or discriminated against for filing a complaint, furnishing information or for participating in any manner in good faith in an investigation or any other activity related to the administration of the laws and regulations and/or this policy to ensure the appropriate treatment of attends to TMD Meeting.
Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH): The SVSH Policy communicates expectations for individual conduct and outlines the TMD participants responsibilities and procedures related to Prohibited Conduct to ensure an equitable and inclusive environment free of sexual violence and sexual.
Preventing and Responding to Bullying and Other Demeaning & Disruptive Behavior: TMD prohibits bullying and other demeaning and disruptive behavior and communicates the importance of promoting and maintaining a safe environment.