* All times are based on Canada/Central CST.
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
Scientific Knowledge Embedded in Indigenous Languages
Chairs: Myrle Ballard and Dr. Miguel Uyaguari ________________ Keynote: Dr. Jeannette Armstrong, University of British Columbia, Canada - A Syilx Language Perspective ________________ Coffee Break________________ Dr. Jesse Popp, University of Guelph, Canada - Weaving Ways of Knowing Among the Trees ________________ Dr. Maria (Yolanda) Teran, University of New Mexico, USA - The role of Indigenous languages in the conservation of biodiversity ________________ Dr. Wilfred Buck, Indigenous star lore expert, member of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation. - MIKINAK MINISTIK ACIMOWINUK: Turtle Island Narratives
2:30 PM
Traditional Medicine and Health
Chairs: Ayush Kumar, Melanie Lalonde ________________ Keynote: Dr. Nicole Redvers, University of North Dakota, USA - The Science of the Sacred: Reflections through Land-Based Healing ________________ Coffee Break ________________ Dr. Darrel Manitowabe, Northern School of Medicine, Canada - Mino-Bimaadizwin: Indigenous Preventive Medicine and Public Health ________________ Dr. Marcia Anderson, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Canada - Indigenous Science, Teachings, and Public Health
4:30 PM
4:45 PM