The 14th Workshop on Accelerator Operations (WAO) will take place in Saskatoon, Canada from September 22th to the 26th, 2025. WAO2025 is organized by the Canadian Light Source.
The series of WAO international workshops facilitate discussions and collaborations on particle accelerator operations among specialists from the world's leading accelerator institutes. The first WAO workshop was held in 1996 at JLab in Newport News, US. Since then, the workshop has been organized biennially by accelerator institutes in Europe, The Americas, and Asia. The WAO2025 program will include contributed talks, as well as poster sessions and parallel discussions. It will cover a wide range of topics related to the operations of particle accelerators.
We look forward seeing you in person for WAO2025.
For Those Requiring a Visa to Come to Canada
If you require a visa to come to Canada, we ask that you register quickly so you can begin the paperwork necessary to enter Canada and attend WAO2025.
On the registration section, you will find an option to request a Visa Support Letter. Please specify if you need a letter and send us the information through our email ( This information includes the appropriate mailing address of your facility so we can get started on your Visa Support Letter.
For Those Requiring an Invitation Letter or an Internal Process Letter
If you require an Internal Process Letter (a letter that you give to your management so you can attend WAO2025) please register without paying and check the Internal Process Letter box. Someone from the Secretariat will then contact you and get you the letter that you require.
If you require a visa to come to Canada you should also check the Visa Support Letter check box at the time of registration as well. Once you have your management's approval to attend you can pay your registration fees and someone from the Secretariat can send you the Visa Support Letter so you can apply for a visa.
Thank Yous
Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon Hotel
612 Spadina Crescent East Saskatoon, SK Canada, S7K 3G9Registration period
January 2, 2025 - 12:00 PM until September 21, 2025 - 5:00 PM
Submission period
January 2, 2025 - 12:00 PM until September 21, 2025 - 5:00 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact .