ReeFLorida Symposium 2024
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are happy to welcome you to ReeFLorida Symposium 2024! This event will bring together conservation practitioners, researchers and environmental educators who have an impact on the health of Florida’s Coral Reef.
The week-long event will take place November 12-15, 2024, at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Miami, FL.
Symposium presenters and attendees will include researchers studying a variety of aspects of Florida’s Coral Reef, environmental educators that emphasize coral reef conservation in their messaging, and conservation practitioners who work in the field of coral conservation at non-profits, governmental organizations and similar institutions.
To bring together conservation practitioners, researchers, managers, and educators who have an impact on the health of Florida’s Coral Reef. The symposium will focus on research, tools and techniques for restoring and preserving Florida’s Coral Reef and highlight coral conservation initiatives, formal and informal education, and public outreach.
Check out last year’s symposium here!
$225 Early Bird: August 1 - 31, 2024
$300 Regular: September 1 - October 18, 2024
Registration includes a complimentary ticket to explore Frost Science on November 12, morning yoga on November 13-14, light breakfast and lunch buffet on November 13-15, a VIP networking event, and a free LIVE@Frost Science evening lecture on Florida's Coral Reef. Additionally, Frost Science's Museum Volunteers for the Environment (MUVE) will plant a native sea oat at a local beach dune for every registrant.
Late registration fees will apply. No refunds.

Organizing Questions
1. Research - What do we know about Florida’s Coral Reef through scientific inquiry? Submissions under this organizing question should address themes like research on biodiversity, climate, health, social impacts and/or similar topics
2. Restore - How can we actively respond to threats towards Florida’s Coral Reef? Submissions under this organizing question should address theme like restoration, emergency response, innovative approaches, procedure development, and/or similar topics
3. Educate - How can we educate the public about Florida’s Coral Reef? Submissions under this organizing question should address theme like citizen science, formal or informal education, advocacy, and/or similar topics

The submission period for ReeFLorida Symposium 2024 is now closed.
We accept submission for oral presentations (15 min), posters, and workshops. Posters and oral presentation submissions should focus on one of the organizing question. If you are unsure which organizing question your proposal fits, you may choose the one you think is the closest match.

Museum Policies
Visitors are required to wear proper attire (as determined by museum personnel in their sole discretion) while on the museum property. For health and safety reasons, shirts and shoes are required at all times, including inside the Science Store and Food@Science café. Display of profane, obscene or injurious language, texts or graphics for public view is prohibited. Guests displaying such language on clothing will be asked to either change the garment or otherwise cover the offensive image/language or leave the museum property.
Prohibited Items: At Frost Science, the safety of our guests, employees and animals are our top priority. To ensure a fun and safe visit for all, the following items are not permitted in the museum:
e-cigarettes, illegal drugs, alcohol, balloons, scooters, skateboards, wheel-heeled sneakers, weapons of any kind, laser pointers, tripods and monopods, pets, apart from service animals, amplified music and selfie sticks
Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science
1101 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL United States, 33132Registration period
August 1, 2024 - 12:00 AM until November 15, 2024 - 11:59 AM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact reeflorida@frostscience.org .