Conference Schedule
* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EDT.
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
1:30 PM
Welcome remarks and Session 1: Chaperone and chaperonopathies
Keynote Lecture 1 Ursula Jakob (University of Michigan Medical School) “Early Life ROS as Modulators of Aging and Age-Associated Diseases” Invited Speakers Janice Braun (University of Calgary) “Unconventional Secretion of Neural Proteins by DnaJC5” Walid Houry (University of Toronto) “Functions of the ClpXP protease in mitochondrial protein homeostasis” Paul LaPointe (University of Alberta) “Investigation of ATP hydrolysis by Hsp90 reveals a two-stroke mechanism" Selected short talks from abstracts Lokha Ranjani Alagar-Boopathy (McGill University) “The ribosome quality control factor Asc1 determines the fate of HSP70 mRNA on and off the ribosome” Donovan McDonald (Western University) “Mistranslating tSer variants impair chaperoning of nascent polypeptides” Benjamin Rutledge (Western University) “The Hsp90 co-chaperone STI1/HOP mitigates the toxic effects of stress-induced protein misfolding and aggregation”