Graduate Student Poster Competition

ArcticNet is proud to welcome applicants to its annual poster competition at ArcticNet's Arctic Change 2024 Conference. The annual competition recognizes excellence in science and its presentation by early career researchers. All Masters and PhD students working in fields relevant to ArcticNet’s thematic areas of: Inuit Health Education and Adaptation, Knowledge Transfer, Marine Sciences, Northern Policy and Development and Terrestrial Sciences are eligible to enter. Applicants are not required to be on a project currently funded by ArcticNet.

To enter, interested applicants must submit their poster abstract to the Call for Abstracts. There is a limit of one poster per applicant.

Applicants will be notified if their submission is accepted in October 2024. A final version of the poster (in JPEG, PNG or PDF format) must be submitted by November 22nd, 2024. Instructions for the final version submission will be sent out later on.

A panel of judges will evaluate eligible posters based on set criteria, including clarity, comprehensiveness and conciseness of the abstract, the scientific quality and presentation of the research.

There are three categories in which posters will be judged: Social and Health Science, Marine Science, and Territorial Science. Prizes are available for first, second and third place winners of each category at $600, $400, and $200 CAD respectively. The award winners will be announced at the end of the conference.

Inuit Travel Fund

DEADLINE: October 14, 2024

Nominate an Inuk land claim member to attend ArcticNet’s 2024 Arctic Change Conference in Ottawa based on the following criteria:

  • You are a recipient of ArcticNet research grants, or a member on the ArcticNet Board of Directors or Inuit Research Management Committee.
  • You will be presenting or attending as an observer.
  • You have worked, or are currently working with, Inuit on your research project, and would like them to attend the conference to assist you during your presentation or poster session.
  • You know a beneficiary who would benefit from the experience of going to an ASM.
  • You DO NOT have the funds in your project budget to pay for their travel to the conference.
  • Your project is funded by one of the following federal programs:
  1. ICBCM (Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program)
  2. CCPN (Climate Change Preparedness in the North)
  3. CCHAP-N (Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program in the North)
  4. NCP (Northern Contaminants Program)

If you would like to nominate someone, please send the following by October 14, 2024:

  • The nominee’s address, phone number and email
  • Reasons for nomination and possibly a short bio of the nominee
  • Their role at the conference
  • Confirmation they are available and willing to attend
  • Indicate whether the nominee has been involved in an ArcticNet and/or funded Arctic research project

Send your nomination package to Eric Loring at

Funding is provided through ArcticNet.

This award has limited funds. Only those approved will be contacted.

ITK administers the fund but is not responsible for coordinating travel or attendance.

This fund only covers travel costs to attend the ASM. There is no honorarium included.

Inuit Recognition Award

DEADLINE: October 14, 2024

Award Description:

This award recognizes Inuit who are helping to create meaningful Inuit involvement in Arctic research. Inuit partners will recognize one recipient who has shown dedication in the area of Arctic research.


  • 21 years or older
  • Inuit descent
  • Must have led or assisted with a research project

If you would like to nominate someone for this award, please include the following in your nomination package:

  1. Describe why your nominee deserves the award including examples of projects they have led or participated in, for how long, and the role they played (minimum 250 words)
  2. A short biography of the nominee that includes a statement of Inuit descent and community of origin
  3. Letters of recommendation are encouraged - limited to one-page each

Send your nomination package to Eric Loring at

This award is funded by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.

The winner will be chosen by ArcticNet’s Inuit Research Management Committee and handed out at this year’s ArcticNet gala at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, December 12, 2024.

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