Special Events
Special Events
Throughout the ASM, ArcticNet will host a variety of special events, all showcasing Arctic and northern science, research and culture, through different activities. Please find them listed here.
Inuit Culture Night
Come join us on Monday, 5:30-7:30Pm in Lounge D as we celebrate Inuit culture - featuring throat singing, Greenlandic mask dancing and interactive Inuit games. Everyone is welcome!
Networking Event
Utilise this opportunity to network with members from different parts of the Arctic research community during this mingling event. Light food and drinks will be served from 7:00-9:00PM in Lounge D.
Poster Sessions
Poster sessions are an integral (and fun!) part of academic conferences or annual meetings, and an important opportunity for researchers at all career stages to present and discuss their work with other researchers in their field. During the poster session, registrants can wander around to browse the posters. The presenters are expected to stay by their poster for the duration of the session so that other participants can come and listen to them talk about their work and ask them questions.
Our poster session also includes the Graduate Student Poster Awards, therefore our judges will be wandering around to judge the posters. The winners will be announced at the gala.
There will be snacks and a cash bar at both sessions, from 5:00-7:00pm on the Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference.
Join us on the evening of Thursday, December 8th for a formal, sit-down dinner while various awards are presented to the respective winners.
Marralik Documentary Screening
Since 2016, the community of Kangiqsualujjuaq in Nunavik, and a team of university researchers have been building a community-based environmental monitoring program called Imalirijiit (Those who study water), at the center of which are science and culture camps called Nunami Sukuijainiq (Our science on the land), which represent a place for co-construction of knowledge, and sharing between local and scientific knowledge. In August 2021, the first marine camp was held in Marralik, on Ungava Bay, in collaboration with RNUK, the regional Nunavik Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Organization.
Join us in room 200B on Wednesday, December 7th from 7:00-7:45PM to watch the screening of Marralik!
Side Meetings Open to the Public
Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (CCADI) Meeting
Monday, December 5th, 2022 - 9:00-12:00PM
Room 201C
The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (CCADI) is an initiative to develop an integrated Canadian arctic data management system that will facilitate information discovery, establish sharing standards, enable interoperability among existing data infrastructures, and that will be co-designed with, and accessible to, a broad user base. Key to the CCADI vision are: standards and mechanisms for metadata, data and semantic interoperability; a distributed data exchange platform; streamlined data services with common entry, access, search, match, analysis, visualization and output tools; an intellectual property and sensitive data service; and data stewardship capacity.
CCADI is launching numerous products funded by a Canadian Foundation for Innovation grant and invite ASM participants to join us!
Genomics in Support of Arctic Wildlife Conservation and Biodiversity and Northern Sustainability
Monday, December 5th, 2022 - 1:00-4:00PM
Room 201C
This workshop will entail roundtable discussion of the role of genomics in supporting conservation, biodiversity and wildlife monitoring in the Arctic. There will be several short presentations but the emphasis is on working with participants to gauge the interest in use of genomics, understanding where priorities for genomics research may lie, and pathways to leveraging genomics in support of northern sustainability. The workshop is open to all interested but numbers may be capped due to space.
IRIS 5 Side Meeting
Monday, Dec 5th, 2022 - 1:00-2:00PM
Room 201A
Bringing together authors and community members of the IRIS 5 region which encompasses the Western Subarctic including the Subarctic Yukon and Northwest Territories, and the continental region of Kivalliq, Nunavut. We will present an introduction to the IRIS 5 report, hear a brief word from some of the lead authors, and we invite community members from the IRIS 5 region to attend and hear about some of the research happening in this region.
Tailoring weather, water, ice, and climate services to northern community needs
Monday, December 5th, 2022 - 1:30-5:00PM
Room 200C
This meeting builds on the first Weather and Society workshop focused on Inuit Nunangat, held virtually in March 2022 (https://straightupnorth.ca/march2022-presentations/). We look forward to meeting in person and continuing discussions on how to support efforts to tailor weather, water, ice, and climate services to better meet Inuit and other northern community needs. We invite all interested community members, northern/Inuit organizations, academics, and service providers to join this meeting and share your experiences. The purpose is to develop connections, foster coordination, and encourage innovation in addressing northern priorities for tailored environmental services. RSVP to Natalie Carter to help us plan for numbers carten7@mcmaster.ca.
Canadian Network of Northern Research Operators (CNNRO) Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, December 6th - 1:00-4:00PM
Room 202B
The Canadian Network of Northern Research Operators (CNNRO) is a network of research support facilities providing specialized technical services to academic, government, private and international scientific research sectors. Our member facilities provide the know-how and infrastructure that make research possible in our nation's Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. This Annual General Meeting 2022 is being held to discuss and determine the future vision, mission, and goals of the CNNRO, and design a sustainable organizational structure and pathway forward.
Amundsen Science Luncheon
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 - 12:00-1:00PM
Room 203A
Every year, the research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen helps hundreds of researchers, experts, and students to conduct their projects. During this lunch and learn session, students and members of Amundsen Science will present the benefits of using the vessel to study the Canadian Arctic and explain how access to the ship is more inclusive than ever.
Anissa Merzouk, Marine Research Coordinator, Amundsen Science
Charlie Nakashuk, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Carlissa Salant, Memorial University
Alexandre Forest, Executive Director, Amundsen Science
SIKU Training for Indigenous-led Community Climate Action Projects
Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 - 1:30-4:00PM
Room 201C
In this workshop, participants will learn about the funding and support available through SIKU for communities to start local Climate Action Projects. SIKU: the Indigenous Knowledge Social Network is a web and mobile platform that provides tools and services for Indigenous communities to lead their own research and monitoring programs while retaining full data ownership and controlling access and privacy. Providing a GPS, map layers and easy ways to document observations on the land offline, as well as tools for project management, SIKU helps empower communities with the data that has always been a part of Indigenous IKnowledge systems.
Meet the Innovators: Northern Food Innovation Challenge
Thursday, December 8th, 2022 - 12:00-5:00PM
Room 201C
The Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency is hosting the Northern Food Innovation Challenge, an initiative to fund and support innovators from across the territories as they design and implement their innovative food projects. You've seen the innovators present their projects at the "Strengthening the Northern Food Sector through Innovation" session, now this is the chance to talk directly with them to learn more about how their innovative approach is combatting food insecurity in the territories. Whether you're a program lead, a potential partner, or just someone interested in learning more about Northern food systems and food Innovation, come by to meet the innovators!