Contests, Awards & Funding

ArcticNet 2022 Photo Contest

Over the last few years, ArcticNet has maintained a collection of photographs highlighting the spectacular beauty of the polar regions, and featuring the scientific research, landscapes, wildlife, and northern communities. With a growing collection of stunning images, the ArcticNet’s Polar Photography Gallery is now a resource for educational, media and other research programs. It is committed to communicating Arctic and Antarctic knowledge to a diverse international audience and to preserving a legacy of iconic and accessible imagery for future generations.

The 2022 Photo Contest is a fantastic opportunity for Arctic researchers, students, partners and collaborators to share their dynamic and captivating photos of the circum-Arctic, its peoples, communities, landscapes, plants, wildlife and research activities. $1750 CAD in cash prizes will be awarded.


The Photo Contest is open to all members of the international Arctic research community and their collaborators;

  • Contestants must be willing to sign the Photographer-ArcticNet agreement form;
  • Contestants must be at least 18 years of age;
  • Professional photographers and employees of the ArcticNet Administrative Centre are not eligible.


Contestants must be the proprietors of their submissions;

We will accept up to five (5) photos per contestant. Photos must be submitted in one of the following categories:

  • Peoples and Communities
  • Landscapes
  • Plants
  • Wildlife
  • Research Activities

Please specify the category for each photo submitted.

  • Submissions must consist of your highest resolution digital photos in .JPG or .PNG format;
  • File names must include the contestant’s first and last name (e.g., firstname_lastname1.jpg);
  • Submissions must be accompanied by a separate descriptive caption for each photo, including the location, date taken and name of any person appearing in the photograph;
  • All entries must be accompanied by a signed Photographer-ArcticNet agreement form ;
  • Any entry that depicts a recognizable person must be accompanied by a Model release form.
  • Photos and applicable forms must be submitted by email to Claude Levesque (


Photos must be submitted before Monday, October 31st, 2022.


Entries will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, artistic merit and other criteria. The judging panel will be composed of two ArcticNet employees and at least one independent professional photographer.


  • Best Photo- Artistic merit and originality (All categories): 500$
  • Best Photo- People and Communities: 250$
  • Best Photo- Landscape: 250$
  • Best Photo- Plants: 250$
  • Best Photo- Wildlife: 250$
  • Best Photo- Research Activities: 250$

Download Photographer Agreement and Model Release forms here!

Graduate Student Poster Competition

ArcticNet is proud to welcome applicants to its annual poster competition at the 2022 ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting. The annual competition recognizes excellence in science and its presentation by early career researchers. All Masters and PhD students working in fields relevant to ArcticNet’s thematic areas of: Inuit Health Education and Adaptation, Knowledge Transfer, Marine Sciences, Northern Policy and Development and Terrestrial Sciences are eligible to enter. Applicants are not required to be on a project currently funded by ArcticNet.

To enter, interested applicants must submit their poster abstract to the Call for Abstracts. There is a limit of one poster per applicant.

Applicants will be notified if their submission is accepted in October 2022. A final version of the poster (in JPEG, PNG or PDF format) must be submitted by November 25th, 2022. Instructions for the final version submission will be sent out later on.

A panel of judges will evaluate eligible posters based on set criteria, including clarity, comprehensiveness and conciseness of the abstract, the scientific quality and presentation of the research.

There are three categories in which posters will be judged: Social and Health Science, Marine Science, and Territorial Science. Prizes are available for first, second and third place winners of each category at $600, $400, and $200 CAD respectively. The award winners will be announced at the end of the conference.

Inuit Recognition Award

The nominations for the Inuit Recognition Award are now open! The focus of this award is to recognize Inuit who are making strong efforts towards meaningful Inuit involvement in Arctic research. Inuit partners will recognize one recipient who has shown excellence in the area of Arctic research. For a nominee to be eligible, they must;

-Be 21 years of age or older

-Be of Inuit descent

-Have led or assisted with a research project

The adjudication of this award will be through ArcticNet's Inuit Research Management Committee (IRMC).

Coordination of this process will be through the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Senior Policy Advisor.

Funding comes from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Inuit Circumpolar Council-Canada.

Please send nomination packages to Eric Loring, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami ( by October 31st, 2022.

Please see further details regarding the nomination package on the accompanying poster.

Inuit Recognition Award

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Inuit Partnership of Excellence Student Poster Award


The research project...

  • ...addresses a community need/responds to a priority identified by Inuit
  • partnered with Inuit (e.g., author on poster)
  • ...demonstrates Inuit engagement throughout the project
  • ...demonstrates communication with Inuit throughout the project
  • ...provides training and enhances Inuit capacity in research

*Please note that to be eligible to win, award criteria need to be explicit and evident in the poster text*

A panel of judges will evaluate posters that meet the criteria, and the award winner will be announced at the gala award ceremony on December 8th, 2022 at the ASM.

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