March 18-20, 2024

CADA 2024 - 6th edition of the Annual Colloquium of the Anthropology Departement of UdeM

6th edition of the Colloque Annuel du Département d'Anthropologie de l'Université de Montréal

Theme : Borders and beyond


The Colloque Annuel du Département d’Anthropologie de l’UdeM (CADA), a student and faculty initiative, aims to foster dialogue between the different approaches and perspectives of the human studies. Inspired by the symposiums of the department of Anthropology organized between 1995 and 1998 by Professor Norman Clermont, this symposium annually brings together students, professors and researchers on a theme common to the four sub-disciplines of anthropology and other related areas.

Event Objectives

By creating a privileged space for exchange, the CADA aims to give life to the interdisciplinarity of anthropology and to strengthen the links between its sub-disciplines.

2024 coordinators : Agathe Cadieux, Bixie Caroline Lacoste.

Planning committee and volunteers :

Karine Bates, Arianne Beaulac, Nawola Bouiti, Lucile Bousquié, Catherine Bradette, Juliette Chambon, Maria Cozac, Jeanne Crapart, Annie Croteau, Noé Demarne, Ornela De Sousa, Stéphanie Falardeau, Yassmine Ghallem, Maude Giguère, Pascale Godin, Éloïse Jaumier, Océane Jugault, Kévin Joanin, Fil Larocque, Marine Larrivaz, Chirine Letaief, Sarah Marquis, Jeanne Ouellet, Félix Parent, Antoine Rignault, Chloé Robillard Lalonde, Jules St-Jean, Camille St-Julien, Kathleen Wanna Ricot.

Short Programmation

Long programmation

Financial partners

CADA 2024 takes place thanks to the generosity of its financial partners:

  • Université de Montréal
  • Département d'anthropologie de l'Université de Montréal
  • Association étudiante en anthropologie de l'Université de Montréal
  • Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs en anthropologie de l'UdeM
  • Fondation ASEQ
  • Fourwaves


Hybrid event

Locaux C-3061, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx

3150 Rue Jean-Brillant Montréal, QC Canada, H3T 1N8

Registration period

February 1, 2024 - 0:00 until March 20, 2024 - 22:00

Contact us

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