Presentation Details

*** Scroll down for GatherTown Socializing details!! ***

*** UPDATED: June 9, 2021 ***



You must be a current CSBBCS member and have registered for the conference to receive your login information.

1. Go to

2. Log in the top right corner.



How do I create/upload my poster?

1. Create poster using software of your choice.

2. Convert your poster to an

· Image format (jpeg, png or gif)

· Maximum of 30 Mb in size

· Landscape is ideal, but portrait may work too. You can use Adobe (Windows) or the Preview app (Mac) or free online tools like to convert your PDF to an image format. Make sure to select the highest quality possible during the export to keep the quality.

· Alternatively, you can create a short PPT presentation in which your poster spans over a small number (e.g., 3) of individual slides.

3. *OPTIONAL* Pre-record your 3-minute poster presentation. You can use Powerpoint, Zoom or online tools like Panopto to record a video of your presentation.

How to record a video using Powerpoint.

Video format:

· An .mp4 format;

· Maximum of 250 Mb;

You can use free online video converters like to convert from any video format to .mp4

4. *OPTIONAL* Upload your video file to the FOURWAVES site. You can do this by logging into the site, clicking on your submission (under your initials in the upper right-hand corner), scrolling down to where it says to upload a movie file.

5. You may also choose to forego pre-recording your poster presentation, and instead present your poster for 3-minutes "live" during the conference.

How do I present my poster on the day of the conference?

1. Log into the FOURWAVES site

2. People who are interested in speaking with you about your poster will click on a link that appears below your poster abstract. This will send an alert to you join them on the FOURWAVES site to interact. If you are not logged into the website, you will receive an email notification. Thus, until you receive an alert that a peer is calling, you are free to browse other posters yourself during the session.

3. Once you are called by a peer, you must join in the live interaction with them. which will feel like a standard Zoom-style session where your poster is there for all to see and windows that include your audience.

The audience limit is 8 people for one simultaneous poster interaction session.


1. Prepare your presentation using software of your choice.

2. Talks are 12 minutes long with 3 minutes allowed for questions. Make sure your presentation fits within these limits. Moderators are instructed to strictly monitor presentation times.

How do I deliver my oral presentation on the day of the conference?

1. Log into the FOURWAVES site.

2. Navigate to your session and note moderators name and contacts.

3. A Zoom link will be provided specific to your session.

4. Join the Zoom room

5. Please arrive at the Zoom session 5 minutes ahead of schedule, and ask the Moderator to make you a co-Host for the session

6. When it comes time for your talk, you will be asked to share your screen, and to share slides from your own computer.

7. If you have a pre-recorded talk, you can play that pre-recorded talk from your own computer. Please test this out ahead of time to make sure that it works.

If you are presenting a talk in a SPECIAL session (Hebb and Early career sessions Executive Symposium, WICSC, CSBBCS EDI panel, NSERC, and CSBBCS AGM):

1. Log into the FOURWAVES site.

2. Navigate to the session and note moderators name and contacts.

3. The same technical presentation rules apply as in regular oral sessions but the timing may be very different. Please consult the Schedule, and with the Moderator of your session for specific details.


1. Log into the FOURWAVES site.

2. Navigate to the session of interest

3. Join the event using the Zoom link

4. Follow Moderator’s instruction for questions/chat/etc. functions OR CONNECT with poster presenters.


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GatherTown social event(s) details are below!

GatherTown Socializing at CSBBCS 2021

To facilitate remote socializing, CSBBCS 2021 booked a GatherTown site for the two full days of the conference.

Stay tuned here and at our Twitter feed (@csbbcs2021) for more details regarding organized social events for trainees and faculty.

In addition, we welcome you to use the space for your own informal get-togethers with colleagues - check out the photo attached to inspect the layout of the GatherTown site!

There are areas dedicated only to graduate students (undergraduates and postdocs welcome too!), areas dedicated to postdocs and faculty, and ad-hoc meeting room areas where you can arrange to meet with people privately.

The space features "rooms" for semi-private conversation, as well as interactive games that could facilitate novel interactions with people you don't yet know.


GatherTown Socializing at CSBBCS 2021

Gathertown Evening Social

Gathertown Evening Social
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