
* All times are based on Europe/Rome CET.

  • 9:00 AM


    9:00 AM - 10:15 AM CEST
    SSSA MC - Aula Magna

    Roundtable - EPIP meets policymakers

    Chair: Harrie Temmink (EUIPO). Speakers: Brando Benifei (MEP S&D, Rapporteur AI Act); Kamil Kiljanski (Head of Unit, DG GROW C.4 Intangible Economy); Sharon Israel (Chief Policy Officer and Director for International Affairs, USPTO); Rita Wezenbeek (Director, DG CNECT.F Platforms Policy and Enforcement)

    10:15 AM


    10:15 AM - 11:30 AM CEST
    SSSA MC - Aula Magna

    Roundtable "The role of the judiciary in shaping the future of IP and data law"

    Chair: Virginia Melgar (EUIPO). Speakers: Richard Arnold (Lord Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal of England and Wales), Maria José Costeira (President of the VI Section, General Court of the EU), Zane Petersone (Judge at the Latvia Supreme Court), Ingeborg Simonsson (Judge, Court of Appeal, Unified Patent Court)

    11:45 AM


    7 parallel sessions
    11:45 AM - 1:45 PM CEST
    SSSA PB - Aula Conferenze

    AI and copyright compliance

    Chair: Christophe Geiger (LUISS Guido Carlo University - Roma)

    11:45 AM - 1:45 PM CEST
    SSSA MC - Aula 6

    Challenges in copyright flexibilities

    Chair: Severine Dusollier (Science Po Law School - Paris)

    11:45 AM - 1:45 PM CEST
    SSSA PB - Aula TAO

    Freeing data for AI innovation

    Chair: Martin Senftleben (University of Amsterdam)

    11:45 AM - 1:45 PM CEST
    SSSA MC - Aula 3

    IP as a catalyst of innovation? Alternative drivers and negative spaces

    Chair: Arianna Martinelli (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)

    11:45 AM - 1:45 PM CEST
    SSSA MC - Aula 5

    Platform regulation and IP: assessing recent reforms and bringing new perspectives

    Chair: Laurent Manderieux (Bocconi University, Milano)

    11:45 AM - 1:45 PM CEST
    SSSA MC - Aula Magna

    Roundtable "Geographical indications between competitiveness and sustainability: challenges and opportunities"

    Chair: Irene Calboli (Texas A&M University School of Law). Speakers: Marie-Paule Rizo (WIPO), Katarina Kompari (EUIPO), Dev Gangjee (University of Oxford), Raffaella Alia (Marchesi Antinori), Flavio Innocenzi (Consorzio Asiago)

    11:45 AM - 1:45 PM CEST
    SSSA MC - Aula Magna Storica

    UPC litigation scenarios: the tools of the new Court for an effective enforcement of (and defense from) patent rights

    SIB-sponsored roundtable - Chair: Magali Contardi

    1:45 PM


    1:45 PM - 2:30 PM CEST
    SSSA MC - Portico Aula 3 & Giardino del Pozzo


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