Plenary - Panel | Epistemic injustices in clinical settings
Ryoa Chung, Naïma Hamrouni, Agnès Berthelot-Raffard, Alexandra Pierre Moderator` : Nathalie Gaucher Moderator : Dre Nathalie Gaucher This round table brings together researchers in the fields of political philosophy and health ethics. It will introduce the notion of epistemic injustice, which refers to power relationships in the social world that have repercussions in the world of knowledge. Naïma Hamrouni will explain how epistemic injustices stem from structural and historical injustices that are too often overlooked and ignored. Ryoa Chung will present the general consequences of epistemic injustices in the field of biomedical research and in the clinical context of healthcare. Agnès Berthelot-Raffard and Alexandra Pierre will explain how these epistemic injustices (testimonial, in particular) affect the reproductive health of black women in the Quebec healthcare system. Objectives : - Understand the notion of epistemic injustice and its origins: Identify and explain the power relationships in the social world that stem from structural and historical injustices that are reflected in the world of knowledge. - Analyze the impact of epistemic injustices in biomedical research, in clinical contexts and in reproductive health (particularly for black women in the Quebec healthcare system).