The Doctoral Consortium is scheduled for 20 January 2025. It offers a unique opportunity for 30 doctoral students specializing in entrepreneurial cognition to present their research interests to expert scholars in the field.

We expect doctoral students to submit an extended abstract of no more than 5 pages, double-spaced, with a maximum of 2,500 words by the deadline September 15, 2024. The abstract should clearly identify the expected contribution of the work and its significance to the current understanding of the field of entrepreneurship.

All submissions should be sent via the online submission platform


Director Doctoral Consortium: Professor. Shaker A. Zahra

Shaker A. Zahra is Robert E. Buuck Chair of Entrepreneurship and Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Carlson School of Management, the University of Minnesota.

Shaker's ongoing research covers multiple industries. These studies, which are conducted in collaboration with several research partners, apply multiple methods and theories and cover multiple levels of the analysis.

Shaker's research has appeared in leading journals including all Academy of Management publications (Journal, Review, Annals, Discoveries, Perspectives, Executive, and Learning and Education), Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Decision Sciences, Information Systems Research, Industrial & Corporate Change, Research Policy, Human Relations, Strategic Organization, among others. Shaker has also published or (co)edited 12 books and conference proceedings.

Shaker has taught at several DBA, Executive Doctorate and Ph.D. programs in the US and other countries (advising/chairing or serving on committees of over 75 Ph.D. students). Shaker received several awards for his excellent teaching, including the Best teacher in the MBA and the Mentor Award from the Entrepreneurship Division, the Academy of Management.

Director Doctoral Consortium: Professor. Shaker A. Zahra