09:30 - 10:15 EDT D7-2018 (Faculty of Sciences - Biology Department)) Conference C3.1 Ontological Analysis IV OntoUML and the ontology of relationships Presented by Giancarlo Guizzardi
10:15 - 11:00 EDT D7-2018 (Faculty of Sciences - Biology Department)) Conference C3.2 Logical Foundations IV Ontology Verification and Validation Presented by Michael Gruninger
11:30 - 12:15 EDT D7-2018 (Faculty of Sciences - Biology Department)) Conference C3.3 Methods and Applications III Semantic similarity with ontologies Presented by Robert Hoehndorf
13:30 - 14:15 EDT D7-2018 (Faculty of Sciences - Biology Department)) Conference C3.4 Cognitive Aspects and Ontology II Cognitively constructed entities Presented by Nicola Guarino
14:30 - 15:15 EDT D7-2018 (Faculty of Sciences - Biology Department)) Conference C3.5 Methods and Applications IV Biomedical ontologies and their uses Presented by Asiyah Yu Lin