Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Louise and Alan Edwards Foundation of Montreal supports two named postdoctoral fellows at the Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain: the Ronald Melzack Fellowship in Pain Research and the Catherine Bushnell Fellowship in Pain Research. A single application is necessary to apply to both fellowships.

The objective of these fellowships is to support full-time research in chronic pain conducted at the AECRP. Qualifying applicants will have completed a PhD, MD or comparable degree and have an interest in a full-time position conducting chronic pain research. The Fellowship has a stipend of $70,000/annum for two years.

The Foundation requires that applicants obtain an agreement for sponsorship from a Full Member of the AECRP. Consult for a list of researchers and research themes. The research can be conducted in collaboration with other Quebec Institutions provided that the primary sponsor is a Full Member of the AECRP. The Principal Investigator will fund the costs of the Fellow’s research and participate in the formulation of a description of the research project.

Funding is for one year with a second year contingent on mutual satisfaction. Should ethics approval be required, the Foundation insists that an application be submitted within 3 months of the start date. Acknowledgement of The Louise and Alan Edwards Foundation must be given in any and all publications or posters related to this Fellowship. A report is to be written to The Foundation at each year’s end.

Applications must be submitted as a single English language PDF document and contain the following:

  1. letter of agreement from the sponsor, specifying an anticipated start date,
  2. three letters of reference, including one from the Principal Investigator,
  3. a four-page CV (please include mailing address),
  4. a brief research description (maximum of 2 pages, not including work cited),
  5. work cited (maximum of 1 page) and
  6. a list of any and all existing and pending funding, g) a one paragraph (250 words) lay summary suitable for press release.

Applications that exceed the page limitations will not be considered.

Successful applicants will receive an email from the Foundation in June 2024. They will have 15 calendar days to reply to this email stating whether they accept or decline the offer. Note that failure to reply within this timeframe will be considered a decline of the offer.

It is expected and understood that trainees will be applying to multiple agencies for funding. Those who receive funding from alternate sources (e.g. CIHR, FRSQ), are expected to notify the Foundation of this fact as soon as possible so that LAEF funding can be offered to someone else.

Call for Submissions: January 15, 2024
Deadline to Submit: March 18, 2024
Decision and Notification: June 2023


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