Oral presenters:

20min talk followed by 5min for questions.
Please, if possible, send your presentation to MCE@getty.edu by Friday, November 8 per email or using WeTransfer. If you have any problems, please contact us.

Poster presenters:

The poster size cannot exceed 57" x 60" (142cm x 154cm) with a suggested size of 42" x 56" (107cm x 142cm) or A0 for better readability.

Poster presenters are also invited to present their work orally during a 5-minute flash presentation. Please send us your slides (5max) to MCE@getty.edu by Friday, November 8 per email or using WeTransfer. If you have any problems, please contact us.

We will be in touch with you individually to let you know the day and time of your 5-min presentation as we get closer to the Symposium dates.

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