
Sponsorship for the 8th Biennial Conference of NASCE in Québec City

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of NASCE2025 is currently seeking sponsorships to help bring this international community of comparative endocrinologists to Québec City. Any levels of contributions are welcomed. Here are the categories of sponsorships.

PLATINUM    $4K and more (incl. first position large-size logo on the program and website, and a booth during both poster sessions)

GOLD        $2K to $3999 (incl. large-size logo on the program and website, and a booth during one of the poster sessions)

SILVER      $1000 to $1999 (incl. medium-size logo on the program and website)

BRONZE     $999 and less (incl. small-size logo on the program and website)

If you are interested in contributing to the NASCE2025 event, please contact one of our Sponsorship’s committee members:

Valérie Langlois valerie.langlois@inrs.ca

Étienne Audet-Walsh etienne.audet-walsh@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca

Jean-Paul Paluzzi paluzzi@yorku.ca

Tuan Anh To tuan_anh.to@inrs.ca

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Sponsorship for the 8th Biennial Conference of NASCE in Québec City
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