Opening Mixer
PEC2024 Conference Mixer
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Time: 7-11 PM
Place: Prenup Pub (upstairs)
191 College Street
Toronto ON
M5T 1P9
Cash bar
Snacks provided

PEC2024 Conference Mixer Challenge
Two teams
One protein design assignment
Every amino acid counts!
Each member of the winning team increases their chances of winning the PEC2024 Protein Prize
Moderate cheating will be tolerated at the judges’ discretion
PEC2024 Protein Prize
Ever wish someone would just make a protein for you?
One protein (typically 1 mg), synthesized in vitro by Liberum Biotech Inc, Guelph, Canada
Winner’s name will be drawn from conference attendees during coffee break on Friday, June 28.