To Present

ORAL PRESENTATIONS (see below for posters)

Oral presentations are reserved for Quebec-Ocean members only.

Conferences will be selected to cover as much as possible the wide variety of research conducted within the framework of Québec-Océan. One presentation per laboratory (researcher, postdoc, student or employee) will be possible. A total of fifteen presentations will be selected.

Presentations must last 10 minutes. They will be followed by a 3-minute question period. Presentations may be given in English or French. The Quebec-Ocean logo must appear on the title slide of your presentation. Students who give an oral presentation are eligible for a prize.

A preliminary test will be done with the organizing committee. If your presentation contains animations, videos or any other technical features, please notify Astrid Tempestini.

Tips and tricks to make your oral presentation more successful

- Creating a 10-15 minutes Scientific Presentation
- Ten Secrets to Giving a Good Scientific Talk
- How to Give a Dynamic Scientific Presentation
- Designing Effective Scientific Presentations


The following document explains the process of oral presentations and the features available.


All participants can submit an abstract to present a poster on their work related to the Québec-Océan scientific program.

Posters can be in image format (.gif, .png, .jpeg, .jpg).

Students presenting a poster will be invited to present their work to the jury during one of the three poster sessions. This will allow them to maximize their interaction with all participants on the other days. To be eligible for an award, the student must be present on the day of the summons and respond to the judges.

Types of presentations:

- Presentations of research results: open to all

- Research project presentations without results: only for students enrolled in the 1st year of the Master's program.

To remember:

Posters may be written in French or English. The Québec-Ocean logo must appear on the poster.

Tips and tricks to make your poster more successful

- Guides et conseils pour réaliser une affiche
- How to Create a Research Poster: Poster Basics
- Designing conference posters
- Tips for Making Scientific Posters


You must upload your poster file before Thursday, January 27, 11:59 AM.

To do so, you must log in to "Fourwaves"and edit your submission form. In the subsection "Submission of presentations", you will be able to upload your poster (image format = .gif, .png, .jpeg, .jpg), maximum size allowed: 30 Mb

Since the event is virtual, there are no specific requirements as to the actual size of your poster. However, make sure you respect the maximum size allowed for uploading.

We recommend that you prepare a short 3-minute presentation.

There is no set schedule for the poster sessions, except for the call for students. Participants (including judges) will be invited to log in and chat with the presenters at each of the three scheduled times. All participants will have access to your poster by clicking on your unique "Fourwaves" link that will appear next to your abstract.


The document below explains the virtual poster session process and the available features. You can also watch a short video overview.

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