Instructions to presenters
Speakers at the 2023 Scientific Meeting are invited to download the document below. It contains some tips on how to maximize the impact of their lecture, especially to a multidisciplinary audience.
Tips : Participate in the training activities on oral communication for an interdisciplinary public (November 4) (in French) to help you prepare for the event!
Oral presentations
Oral presentations are 10 minutes long, followed by 3 minutes from questions from the audience. All presentation material must be in PowerPoint or PDF format (in presentation mode), with a 16:9 ratio, and brought with the presenter.
Blitzes are 3-minute oral presentations with no question period. Visual aids must be in PowerPoint or PDF format (in presentation mode), with a 16:9 ratio, and brought with the presenter.
Scientific posters
The posters will be presented as follows:
- Posters must be no larger than 114 x 101 cm/45 x 40 inches (length by height).
- Posters will be presented during dedicated session on Wednesday, November 15, and will remain on display throughout the Scientific Meeting.
- If you participate to the poster competition, you must submit your final digital file (PDF or JPEG) by November 6, 11:59 pm. Those who have not submitted their files will not be eligible for the competition. Be sure to submit only one final file, identified as follows: LASTNAME_firstname. Click here to drop your file (Dropbox).
To confirm your participation in the Scientific Meeting as a presenter, you must be registered as an attendee and commit to being present at the event.
Your presentation details (session, date, time, order) will be provided to you as soon as the program is finalized, in mid-October.
Your abstract will be included in the final conference proceedings. Sentinel North reserves the right to edit abstracts as deemed necessary.
Some videos or posters may be posted on the Sentinel North website or social media accounts after the event. Please notify the Secretariat if you do not wish for your work to be published for a specific reason.
If you have any questions, please contact the JPdL Secretariat at