SuppoRTT Conference Committee Members

  • Susan Stokes

    Susan Stokes



    Future Leaders Fellow

  • Lily Duffy

    Lily Duffy

    Deputy Chair

    Post-CCST Trainee in Paediatric Dentistry & NHS Leadership Fellow in Faculty Development

  • Eleanor-Rhiannon Richards

    Eleanor-Rhiannon Richards

    SuppoRTT Lead

  • Miriam Onwuliri

    Miriam Onwuliri

    Stand and Logistics Lead

    Leadership fellow-IMGs Support/ST3 GP Registrar

  • Sium Ghebru

    Sium Ghebru

    Panel Lead

  • Tiffany Li

    Tiffany Li

    Tech Lead

    NHSE Clinical Leadership Fellow in SAS Development

    Specialty Dentist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Yorkshire and Humber SuppoRTT Team Members

To contact us, please email:

  • Claire Murphy

    Claire Murphy

    Associate Dean

  • Maya Naravi

    Maya Naravi

    Associate Dean

  • Lindsay McLoughlin

    Lindsay McLoughlin

    Program Support Manager

  • Kathryn Bacon

    Kathryn Bacon

    Program Support Administrator

  • Susie Stokes

    Susie Stokes

    Clinical Leadership Fellow

  • Miriam Onwuliri

    Miriam Onwuliri

    Clinical Leadership Fellow IMGs Support/ST3 GP Registrar

  • Eleanor-Rhiannon Richards

    Eleanor-Rhiannon Richards

    Clinical Leadership Fellow

Yorkshire and Humber SuppoRTT Champions Bios

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