Travel information
Electronic Travel Authorization : Since 2016, all travelers who take a flight to enter Canadian territory must be in possession of an Electronic Travel Authorization (AVE). Its price is 7 dollars per person and the process is simple and fast. To do this, simply fill out the official form on the Canadian immigration website, the application is approved in a few minutes: Request your eTA.
Note: U.S. citizens are exempt from the eTA requirement and must carry proper identification such as a valid U.S. passport.
As of April 26, 2022, lawful permanent residents of the United States are also exempt from the eTA requirement and must show these documents for all methods of travel to Canada:
- a valid passport from their country of nationality (or an equivalent acceptable travel document) and
- a valid green card (or equivalent valid proof of status in the United States)
Complete list of acceptable status documents for lawful permanent residents of the U.S.
See the complete list of eTA exemptions.
Passport : To enter Canada, your passport must be valid for at least one day longer than your intended stay in Canada.
Visa: Check visa requirement for travel to Canada at Start visa applications as soon as possible, processing times are variable. Requests for letters of invitation for visas are made through the registration process for the conference.
Check Visit Canada - for more information on requirement for travelling to Canada.
For latest information please refer to COVID-19: Travel, testing and borders -
The Canadian dollar is the current currency of Canada ($ or $CA). €1 is approximately $1.46.
The prices displayed in Canada, both for services and for material goods, do not include taxes by default. So you'll have to do some mental math! There is a federal tax of 5%, applicable everywhere in Canada that you have to think about adding to the displayed price. Then there are provincial taxes of 10% in Quebec that you have to add also.
To this must be added the tip in restaurants, not included in the bill. Even if they are not compulsory, not leaving any is very badly perceived! Indeed, tourism and catering employees are largely paid in this way. Even if it is up to the customer to appreciate the quality of the service, it is customary in Canada to leave a minimum of 15% of the amount excluding taxes. You can tip in cash or by credit card, indicating a percentage or an amount to the waiter or taxi driver.
Once you arrive in Canada, you have several alternatives. The first is to withdraw money from your bank account at an ATM or any bank. Credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted everywhere.
You can also go to an exchange office to change your euros into Canadian dollars. There are many exchange offices in the main cities, in banks as well as in airports.
There are many direct flights to the Montreal-Pierre Elliot Trudeau International airport (YUL). The main airline that serves Montreal is Air Canada.