Session A: Poster Presentations
Only the following interns will present during this time: Samantha Alonso, Jordan Barriga, Zakaria Boauddou, Ella Camp, Johnny Chinchilla Pinto, Lily Seongeun Choi, Diana Chu, Amber Collins, Justin Cooper, Sharmila Dey, Julia Dreiling, Dennis Fang, Joshua Franklin, Hannah Gates, Marla Goodspeed,Charlie Hoang, Jayce Hottenroth, Andrew Jayasinghe, Angela Kayll, Jimmy Lao, Ian Lee, Kairos Logan, Iliana Marrujo, Sonya Mengel, Thomas Shaw Miller, Mia Onodera, Ruby Onsongo, Alexander Pennacchio, Tyler Pollak, Laura Reed, Griffin Rhoads-Albert, Savannah Rivera, Angelina Sardelli, Jenai Simons, Ethan Skeens, Valerie Smykalov, Meg Takezawa, Kelly Yuguo Tang, Kai-Se Toledo, Randall Walker, Emily Yepez *Please note: The first 12 people to arrive in a presenter's room will have their video/audio enabled and will be able to interact with the presenter directly. Additional guests (after the first 12) are able to listen.