Free Your Mind Installation

Free Your Mind: A Social Justice Installation & TalkNone

Installation: Wednesday thru Saturday

Location: Exhibit Hall

Presented by: Theda Sandiford

Free Your Mind Project Statement

Free Your Mind project is a public textile art installation that collects, showcases, and liberates personal narratives about microaggressions. This project not only highlights these experiences but also provides a platform for healing and awareness through art.

Share your story, connect with others, and contribute to a larger narrative of transformation. Join us virtually here.

Identifying microaggressions and implicit biases can be challenging but asking oneself reflective questions can help uncover them.

Here are five questions people can ask themselves:

1. What assumptions do I make about people based on their appearance (e.g., race, gender, clothing)?

2. How do I react when I encounter someone who is different from me in terms of culture, language, or lifestyle?

3. Are there certain groups of people I tend to avoid or feel uncomfortable around? Why might that be?

4. How do I respond to media portrayals of different social, ethnic, and cultural groups? Do I notice patterns in these responses?

5. When I make decisions about hiring, mentoring, or collaborating, am I consistently favoring certain groups over others? What reasons do I give for these preferences?

Reflecting on these questions can help individuals become more aware of their implicit biases and take steps toward addressing them.

How microaggressions are like mosquito bites

Implicit Bias | Concepts Unwrapped

Take the quiz

To identify your own biases, take Harvard’s Implicit Association Test. Your results might surprise you!

  • Theda Sandiford

    Theda Sandiford

    Dynamic digital innovator and visionary industry leader optimizes performance, productivity, and profitability, developing cohesive cross-functional teams that consistently exceed goals.
    Brand ambassador generates revenue with strategic marketing campaigns, account management and event management to deliver impact and record-shattering profits. Expertise in program and project management, leveraging analytics, communications, and creative global marketing.
    Demonstrated track record as an award-winning and highly acclaimed organizational leader that consistently exceeds organizational objectives by identifying emerging trends and developing new business processes to capitalize on emerging innovations.
    Recognized by Forbes magazine, Variety and Entertainment Weekly for unprecedented success in transforming the industry with advertising, multimedia campaigns, and public relations savvy.