* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EST.

  • 13:00


    2 parallel sessions
    13:00 - 15:30 EDT
    UQAM, Cœur des Sciences (200, Sherbrooke O), SH-2800

    Champollion / hieroglyphs: Session 1

    • 1:00 PM: Welcome period • 1:30 PM: Introduction : “L’égyptologie à Montréal”: ☥ Doctoral student Julie Desjardins (UQAM - Museo Egizio, Torino) : “Les études universitaires et la recherche“. ☥ Doctoral student Véronique Lacroix (UQAM - Paris Sorbonne) : “Les collections et projets muséaux“. • 2:30 PM: Prof. Jean Revez (UQAM), “«Je tiens l’affaire!»: Jean-François Champollion et le déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes égyptiens”. • 3:30 PM: Coffee break

    13:00 - 18:00 EDT
    UQAM, Cœur des Sciences (200, Sherbrooke O), Hall du SH-2800

    Poster session

    • From 1 to 6 PM: Vincent Labelle, “Why still study Egyptology in the 21st Century?” Stand providing information to future students or to any person interested in Egyptological studies at large, and at UQAM more specifically .



    13:30 - 18:00 EDT
    UQAM, Cœur des Sciences (200, Sherbrooke O), SH-2620

    Kids' workshop: Initiation to hieroglyphic writing

    • From 1:30 to 6 PM: Calligraphy et craft workshop for kids: “An introduction to hieroglyphic writing“ (Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities).



    15:45 - 18:00 EDT
    UQAM, Cœur des Sciences (200, Sherbrooke O), SH-2800

    Champollion / hieroglyphs: Session 2

    • 3:45 PM: Dr. Vanessa Desclaux (BnF), “Champollion inconnu: enquête chez les biographes et dans les manuscrits du savant”. • 4:45 PM: Dr. Christian Greco (Museo Egizio, Torino), “Salvolini revisited: from Champollion’s pupil to independent scholar”. • 6:00 PM: End of activities

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