* All times are based on Canada/Pacific PST.
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:15 AM
4 parallel sessions(1) Heinrich Volmink / (2) Ari Makridakis
(1) Exploring the African philosophy of Ubuntu in relation to global governance/citizenship and the Noosphere. (2) Beyond Sovereignty and Submission: The complex role of the modern individual within the noosphere
(1) Jacob Foster / (2) Manasvi Lingam (a panel from Boundaries of Humanity, our N2 Leading Sponsor)
(1) Toward an Evolutionary Ecology of the Noosphere / (2) On Some Informational Aspects of our Noosphere and Beyond
(1) Sean Kelly / (2) Louis Savary
(1) Planetary Metanoia: Transformation of the Noosphere in light of Morinian Complexity / (2 ) Ethics for an Evolving Noosphere: Human Energy and Achieving a Shared Global Consciousness
(1) Shima Beigi / (2) Zann Gill
(1) Fostering Noospheric Urban Living with Mindful Smart Cities / (2) Noogenesis: Human + A.I. Agents Iterating toward Collaborative Intelligence
11:45 AM
LUNCHEON PLENARY: Robert Lawrence Kuhn
A Landscape of Consciousness in the Noosphere: Toward a Taxonomy of Explanations and Implications (A Zoom presentation) Note: A buffet lunch will be available in Slusser (to the back of the Auditorium) for those registered for meals. Live Stream: The live stream for luncheon & dinner speakers will commence 30 minutes after session start time. This speaker will begin at 12:15 PM PT.
1:00 PM
2:15 PM
4 parallel sessions(1) Boris Shoshitaishvili / (2) Claire Webb [cancelled] / (3) Jonathan Blake (a panel from our N2 Partner, the Berggruen Institute)
(1) The Noosphere and the Harmony of the Spheres: Bringing Techno-, Info-, and Biospheres into Planetary Alignment / (2) Planetary and Extraplanetary Temporalities & Technologies of Planetary Perception / (3) The Noosphere within the Genealogy/Governance of the Planetary
(1) John D. Cressler / (2) Emily DeMoor
(1) Nurturing the Noosphere on College Campuses: Challenges and Successes / (2) Literature of the Noosphere for Secondary Education (1) Nurturing the Noosphere on College Campuses: Challenges and Successes - Today’s college students, bright and capable as they are, face challenges to their well-being that few of us faced at their age. Smartphone-free alone time is becoming a rare luxury, and the inevitably addictive distraction of e-Gadgets often stand in the way of student self-discovery and discernment. Sobering statistics bear witness to a trend of deteriorating mental health among students, a trend which clearly works against our shared vision for the noosphere, of community building, of global consciousness. At Georgia Tech, I have introduced a unique course called “Science, Engineering, and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue,” which is open to all students. Together, each highly diverse class cohort creates a safe space for sharing and dialogue, evolving into a tight-knit community of exploration and acceptance. Each cohort is given the chance to experience a weekend Ignatian silent retreat on “Science and Spirituality,” an often tranformative encounter with both silence and nature, typically leading to deep self-reflection on meaning and purpose. In this talk, I will address the challenges facing our young people, and useful approaches that can make a difference in nuturing the noosphere among them. - John D. Cressler
(1) Keith Lemna / (2) John Haught (a panel from our N2 Leading Sponsor, Boundaries of Humanity)
(1) Polarity in the Noosphere: Reading Teilhard through Pope Francis / (2) The Meaning of "Noosphere" in Teilhard's Cosmic Vision
Michael Pirson with Bob Chapman, Jay Jakub, Gregory Stock, David Sloan Wilson, and Ben Kacyra
Business of the Noosphere (Roundtable)
4:45 PM
Welcome Reception
Please join us for a welcome reception in the Hall of History, with complimentary appetizers. Those whose registration includes meals may use their beverage tickets. Beer and wine may also be purchased at the bar with a credit card.