* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EDT.

  • 7:30 AM


    7:30 AM - 8:10 AM EDT


    Location: Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry (VND), 1050 Rue de la Médecine Room: VDN 1550

    8:10 AM


    8:10 AM - 8:15 AM EDT

    Welcome and Learning Outcome for the Day

    Dr. Luc VallièresLocation: Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry (VND), 1050 Rue de la Médecine Room: VDN 2289A

    8:15 AM


    8:15 AM - 9:55 AM EDT

    Session 2 - Location: VDN 2289A

    Evaluation link for session 2: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/June21_Session2 Autoantibodies and antibody-secreting cells in CNS autoimmunity: from biology to therapy (1h40) Moderator: Dr. Luc Vallières 8:15 am Viruses, molecular mimicry, autoantibodies, and autoimmunity Dr. Louis Flamand (25min)During this presentation, an overview of viral infection and ways viruses can trigger auto immunity will be presented. The concept of molecular mimicry will be discussed. 8:40 am Therapies Targeting B cells Dr. Philippe Beauchemin (25 min)Objectives: To discuss existing therapies targeting B cells and auto-antibodies. Their respective advantages and risks, to treat patients with neuro-inflammatory diseases. 9:05 am An anti-EBV vaccine to prevent MS? - Dr. Raphaël Schneider (25 min)The presentation will provide a comprehensive description of the rationale behind developing an anti-EBV vaccine to prevent MS, highlighting recent clinical trials conducted on anti-EBV vaccines for MS prevention. The discussion revolves around the future prospects of anti-EBV vaccine trials. 9:30 am Mouse models to study CNS autoantibodies and develop new medicines -- Dr. Luc Vallières (25 min)This presentation will focus on the development of the humoral response in animal models of multiple sclerosis and the possibility of targeting this response for therapeutic purposes.

    9:55 AM


    9:55 AM - 10:25 AM EDT

    Q/A Roundtable

    10:25 AM


    10:25 AM - 10:45 AM EDT


    Location: VDN 1550

    10:45 AM


    10:45 AM - 11:30 AM EDT

    Diversity and Function of Reactive Glia in Multiple Sclerosis

    Location: VDN 2289A Evaluation link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/June21_Diversity_Function Dr. Peter Calabresi (30 min) The role of the immune system in mediating CNS tissue injury is increasingly being examined not only in neuro-inflammatory diseases but also in classical primary neurodegenerative processes. While peripheral immune cells may extravasate into the CNS, it is also clear that resident glia often lose their homeostatic functions and become dysregulated as part of reactive gliosis. Indeed, glial activation and aberrant expression of inflammatory and potentially neurotoxic mediators have been described and are postulated to be pathogenic in numerous neurodegenerative diseases. The anterior visual pathway affords an opportunity to study the mechanisms by which inflammatory demyelination in the optic nerve mediates retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss in the retina both in MS and the animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.

    11:30 AM


    11:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

    Q/A Period

    12:00 PM


    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT


    Location: VDN 1550

    1:00 PM


    1:00 PM - 1:45 PM EDT

    Travel time to Workshops (Trainees only)

    20 min walking. Due to limited space, these workshops are reserved for endMS Summer School Participants only. Note: As guests, we need to adhere to the laboratory best practice of attire so please dress appropriately (e.g. long pants and closed-toed shoes) Location: Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - pavillon CHUL (2705, boulevard Laurier)

    1:45 PM


    1:45 PM - 2:15 PM EDT

    Intro and Overview

    Location: Amphitheater Fisher Evaluation Link for Presentations and Workshops: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/June21_Workshops Intro research center CRCHU de Québec-- UL - Dr. Serge Rivest (10 min) The Research Center is part of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval and is affiliated to Université Laval. The Research Center rounds up all research activities at the CHUL, l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, l’Enfant-Jésus, Saint-François d’Assise and Saint-Sacrement hospitals. The presentation will present the organization, the themes and platforms of the research center. Nanomedicines, lipid nanoparticles: successes, promises and lingering questions. Dr. Nicolas Bertrand (20 min) In this presentation we will provide an overview of the technologies behind mRNA vaccines and discuss how they can be used for the treatment of human diseases, including diseases of the central nervous system.

    2:15 PM


    2:15 PM - 4:15 PM EDT

    Platforms - 4 Rotating Groups (2h00) (30 min each)

    Lipid nanoparticle core and cell culture Louis-Charles Beland Start w/Group 1 Learn about the latest technology in lipid nanoparticles (LNP) formulation using microfluidics. This workshop will start with a crash course on LNP, followed by a hands-on formulation of LNP and cell transfection by selected students. Using a special lipid coloration, students will be able to observe LNPs dynamics during transfection. This workshop aims to highlight the importance of this new transfection method for in-vitro and in-vivo nucleic acids delivery in fundamental research and in the development of new therapeutics. Flow cytometry Vincent Desrosiers Start w/Group 2 Flow cytometry is a technique that allows the characterization of physical and chemical proprieties of a single-cell suspension. In this workshop, you will learn how multiples scientific fields (biology, physics, chemistry) combine to offer the possibility to analyses thousands of cells per second with the help of fluorescence. You will learn the basics of flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting with live cells. Come see the spectrum of opportunity that offers flow cytometry. Hi-res microscopy Maxime Teixeira Start w/Group 3 Explore the intriguing realm of stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy by attending our workshop! This interactive lesson, intended for new students, will introduce the cutting-edge method of STED microscopy and give you the opportunity to examine the fine features of cellular structures with unheard-of resolution. This workshop will offer practical demonstrations and a thorough overview of the uses and prospects of STED microscopy in furthering scientific research. Don't pass up this chance to learn more and discover the mysteries of the microscopic world! Immersive art installation "Progression" Salima Punjani, presented by Dr. Manu Rangachari Start w/Group 4 "Progression" is an interactive, multi-sensory installation that reflects the narratives, challenges and hopes of people living with MS. Each participant has complete agency over the manner in which their story is presented - the display combines representations of the participants' biodata and MRI scans.

    4:15 PM


    4:15 PM - 6:00 PM EDT

    Free time and Travel time to restaurant Montego

    (1460 Av. Maguire, Québec, QC G1T 1Z4) A bus will be chartered for group travel. 4:15 - Travel Research Center > Residence Free time break to get changed 5:30 - Travel Residence > Restaurant Career Development Workshop for trainees only. Presenters, mentors and guests are welcome to join for dinner at 8:00 pm

    6:00 PM


    6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT

    Career Development Workshop (for trainees only)

    Location: Restaurant Montego Evaluation link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/June21PM_CareerDevelopment 30 min flash presentationsHappy hour and dinner networking, speed dating Dr. Jean-Francois Richard (Roche)Dr. Stéphane Oellette (Novartis)Dr. Jordan Warford (Nova Scotia Health)Dr. Alexandre Daoust (Norton Rose Fulbright Canada)Dr. Maude Vaillancourt-Audet (Mitacs)

    8:00 PM


    8:00 PM - 9:30 PM EDT

    Dinner (Presenters and Mentors Welcome)

    Dinner open to presenters, mentors and guests Restaurant Montego (1460 Av. Maguire, Québec, QC G1T 1Z4) Following dinner, group will walk back to accommodations.

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