
* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EST.

  • 08:00


    08:00 - 09:00 EDT
    Salon D
      Industry Sponsored Session

    Unity in Compression: Advancing Together for a Brighter Future

    Presented by: Sophia White Sponsored by: Essity Canada In "Unity in Compression: Advancing Together for a Brighter Future," attendees will be immersed in an enlightening presentation centered around the innovative JoViPak technology. This transformative session will delve into the revolutionary compression garment, JoViPak, and how it has been instrumental in improving the lives of individuals with lymphedema and other related conditions. Through captivating case studies and real-life success stories, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and applications of JoViPak in the healthcare industry. Moreover, this presentation will emphasize the importance of collaboration and unity among healthcare professionals, patients, and manufacturers to advance the field of compression therapy and ensure a brighter future for those in need. Join us as we explore the power of unity in compression and its remarkable impact on improving quality of life. Learning objectives: 1. Understand the unique features and benefits of JoViPak compression garments, specifically in the context of lymphedema management and related conditions. 2. Explore success stories showcasing the effectiveness of JoViPak in improving patients' quality of life and reducing symptoms. 3. Learn about the importance of collaboration and unity among healthcare professionals, patients, and manufacturers in advancing the field of compression therapy. 4. Gain insights into the latest advancements and future possibilities in compression technology, and how they can contribute to a brighter future for individuals with lymphedema and related conditions.



    09:15 - 10:15 EDT
    Salon E
      Industry Sponsored Session

    Moving Forward Together: IPC and Self-Management

    Presented by: Erik Küppers Sponsored by: Bauerfeind Canada It is recognized worldwide that lymphedema and lipedema are underdiagnosed and undertreated diseases. Symptoms of these conditions include: severe pain, restriction of movement and damage to the joints. In addition, there is a massive psychosocial restriction of the affected women, usually from the teenage years. For many of these women, a long traumatizing journey into an uncertain future begins. Experience in Germany shows that it is possible to provide these women with comprehensive therapy in accordance with guidelines and to limit the individual and socio-medical damage. An essential part of this therapy concept is the direct involvement of the patients in the sense of self-management. Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Develop an understanding of the patient's psychosocial situation 2. Recognize socio-medical correlations 3. To apply simple basic diagnostic concepts 4. To get suggestions for a holistic therapy concept 5. Get to know possibilities for self-management in lymphedema and lipedema About Erik Küppers, MD, Managing Director of Bösl Medizintechnik and Bösl Holding Dr. Erik Küppers Cologne, Germany · Graduated as Medical Doctor 1987 (studies in Amsterdam and Berlin) · Advanced training in Dermatology, Berlin · Focus on early detection, prevention, therapy, and rehabilitation of vascular diseases. · Founding member of ICW (Initiative Chronical Wounds) · Consultant of different pharmaceutical, medical equipment and IT companies in Europe 1987-2012 · Managing Director - Boesl Medizintechnik 2012-2022 and Boesl Holding since 2012 · Senator - Senate of Economy, Berlin since 2019



    2 parallel sessions
    10:00 - 11:00 EDT
      Pre-registration required

    Aqua lymphatic therapy for upper body

    Spaces Limited. Pre-registration required. Aqua Lymphatic Therapy (ALT) is a pleasant and relaxing form of physical activity performed in the water. ALT is a safe method for treating mild to moderate lymphedema in the maintenance phase of therapy. It is a good supplement to land-based treatments, such as exercise and/or compression. ALT is appropriate for anyone who can participate in water exercises classes! Some benefits of taking part in this program are reduced impact on your bones and joints, ease of movement in the water vs. on land, and the compression that occurs naturally when your affected body part is submerged in water. If you are afraid of water, please note that the exercises are done in the shallow part of the pool, with the feet touching the bottom. ALT is not appropriate if you have an open wound/infection, are currently in cancer treatment or recently completed chemo/radiation therapy treatment, have skin sensitivity to chlorine, and/or if you have a health condition such as deep vein thrombosis, cardiac condition or breathing problem. This workshop is offered to people with or at risk of developing lymphedema. A brief introduction to water exercises will be done followed by a practical session into the pool. Please bring your smile, flip flops, bathing suit, goggles and come discover ALT! The workshop spaces are limited and offered on a sign-up basis. If you are interested in attending, please follow this link to register your interest: Patient Workshops Pre-Registration ====================== About Your Pool Workshop Leaders: Learn about your workshop leader, Marie-Ève Letellier, PhD, and co-facilitator Marize Ibrahim, here: Learn more about the presenters at this link.

    10:00 - 11:00 EDT
    Forum 3
      Pre-registration required

    Yin yoga adapted for lymphedema for lower body

    Spaces Limited. Pre-registration required. Yin Yoga is a slow paced, passive style of yoga suitable for all levels of fitness and flexibility. Postures are designed to safely apply gentle tension to the connective tissues that form our joints. Postures are held for longer periods of time, targeting the ligaments, tendons, and fascia of the body. Give it a try and enjoy the many benefits of improved range of motion and flexibility while cultivating your inner calmness. During this session we will focus on supporting the lymphatic system by awakening natural movements, placing the body in shapes and poses that directly stimulate healthy movement of the lymph. Participants are welcome to bring their own yoga mat, but it is not necessary to bring any equipment. This session will be adapted to all levels of ability and participants can perform the guided movements to the best of their ability from any comfortable position, including seated in a chair. Spaces are limited and the workshop is offered on a sign-up basis. Please consider dressing comfortably for this body movement workshop. If you are interested in attending, please follow this link to register your interest: Patient Workshops Pre-Registration Learn more about the presenters at this link.



    10:30 - 11:30 EDT
    Salon D
      Industry Sponsored Session

    Optimizing Outcomes in Lymphedema Management: An Evidence-Based Approach to Treatment and Care

    Sponsored Session: 3M Canada Presented by: Jennifer Ball, Clinical Specialist, Wound Care Attend this session to: 1. Understand the causes, risk factors, and pathophysiology of lymphedema 2. Learn about the latest diagnostic and assessment tools for lymphedema 3. Review the different types of lymphedema and the appropriate treatment options for each 4. Discuss the importance of patient education and self-management in lymphedema treatment 5. Examine the latest advances in compression therapy and other physical modalities for lymphedema treatment 6. Understand the psychosocial and emotional impact of lymphedema on patients and their families and the importance of addressing these issues in the management of lymphedema 7. Q&A About Jennifer Ball, Clinical Specialist, Wound Care Jennifer Ball, nurse and certified lymphedema therapist, is dedicated to best practice guidelines as it relates to wound care, lower limb preservation pathways, and lymphedema prevention and management. Jennifer enhances the continuum of care from hospital to home and promoting patient-centred excellence within, acute facilities, homecare organizations, conferences, and by way of national webinars. Jennifer recently collaborated with an interdisciplinary care team in Northwestern Ontario to share her desire for healthy patient outcomes and assisted with facilitating a lymphedema pilot project to support and coach patients with Coban 2 self-bandaging techniques and management in their home setting. Jennifer graduated with honours in practical nursing at Algonquin College in 2012, received her IIWCC in 2016, and Advanced Ostomy Care Management both from the University of Toronto, Skin Wellness certificate from WOC Institute in 2019 and in 2022 received her Certified Lymphedema Therapist designation from the Klose Institute. Jennifer is a current member of the WOC Institute, Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA), Lymphedema Association of Ontario, and the College of Nurses of Ontario.



    2 parallel sessions
    11:30 - 12:30 EDT
      Pre-registration required

    Aqua lymphatic therapy for lower body

    Spaces Limited. Pre-registration required. Aqua Lymphatic Therapy (ALT) is a pleasant and relaxing form of physical activity performed in the water. ALT is a safe method for treating mild to moderate lymphedema in the maintenance phase of therapy. It is a good supplement to land-based treatments, such as exercise and/or compression. ALT is appropriate for anyone who can participate in water exercises classes! Some benefits of taking part in this program are reduced impact on your bones and joints, ease of movement in the water vs. on land, and the compression that occurs naturally when your affected body part is submerged in water. If you are afraid of water, please note that the exercises are done in the shallow part of the pool, with the feet touching the bottom. ALT is not appropriate if you have an open wound/infection, are currently in cancer treatment or recently completed chemo/radiation therapy treatment, have skin sensitivity to chlorine, and/or if you have a health condition such as deep vein thrombosis, cardiac condition or breathing problem. This workshop is offered to people with or at risk of developing lymphedema. A brief introduction to water exercises will be done followed by a practical session into the pool. Please bring your smile, flip flops, bathing suit, goggles and come discover ALT! The workshop spaces are limited and offered on a sign-up basis. If you are interested in attending, please follow this link to register your interest: Patient Workshops Pre-Registration ====================== About Your Pool Workshop Leaders: Learn about your workshop leader, Marie-Ève Letellier, PhD, and co-facilitator Marize Ibrahim, here: Learn more about the presenters at this link.

    11:30 - 12:30 EDT
    Forum 3
      Pre-registration required

    Yin yoga adapted for lymphedema for upper body

    Spaces Limited. Pre-registration required. Yin Yoga is a slow paced, passive style of yoga suitable for all levels of fitness and flexibility. Postures are designed to safely apply gentle tension to the connective tissues that form our joints. Postures are held for longer periods of time, targeting the ligaments, tendons, and fascia of the body. Give it a try and enjoy the many benefits of improved range of motion and flexibility while cultivating your inner calmness. During this session we will focus on supporting the lymphatic system by awakening natural movements, placing the body in shapes and poses that directly stimulate healthy movement of the lymph. Participants are welcome to bring their own yoga mat, but it is not necessary to bring any equipment. This session will be adapted to all levels of ability and participants can perform the guided movements to the best of their ability from any comfortable position, including seated in a chair. Spaces are limited and the workshop is offered on a sign-up basis. Please consider dressing comfortably for this body movement workshop. If you are interested in attending, please follow this link to register your interest: Patient Workshops Pre-Registration Learn more about the presenters at this link.



    11:45 - 12:45 EDT
    Salon E
      Industry Sponsored Session

    Lymphedema Is Challenging, Let’s Make Choosing the Right Juzo Compression Garment Easy.

    Presented by: Kim Gladman Sponsored by: Juzo Canada This session will explore the K.E.Y (Knowledge Empowers You) to selecting the correct Juzo Garments for various stages of lymphedema that a patient may present. Juzo offers high-quality medical compression garments for treatment during both decongestive and maintenance phases of Lymphedema. Come join us to learn about the K.E.Y to your success. About Kim Gladman BRLS, RMT, CDT In March of 2020, Kim joined the Juzo family as Territory Manager and Medical Education Liaison. Since 2005, Kim has been helping patients with Lymphedema through the administration of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) and Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT). Kim established her own practice working closely with her community and other healthcare professionals focusing on Lymphedema care. It was here she realized that there was an opportunity to help influence and educate her patients and peers on the identification and treatment options for patients suffering from Lymphedema. Her expertise combined with her passion for promoting the benefits of compression garments established her as a leader in her field. She has published many articles, facilitated seminars for both patients and clinicians and continues to be an active spokesperson and champion for Lymphedema awareness. Kim's extensive knowledge and dealer experience as a therapist and certified fitter is a perfect complement to support Juzo’s mission as a market leader in the development and distribution of top-quality lymphedema products.



    13:00 - 14:45 EDT
    Plenary Hall (Salon A/B/C/D/E)
      Keynote Plenary Session
      Open to All

    Why Weight? What you need to know about the Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines

    An overview of this patient-centred framework for healthcare professionals, patients, and policy makers. Keynote Address: Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer The international lymphedema community agrees that there is a close biological relationship between fat and lymphatics. In what has been described as a “vicious cycle,” we know that elevated weight can impair lymphatic function, and that impaired lymphatic function leads to fat deposition. Our standard treatments for lymphedema address fluid but do not remove fat, yet weight loss is a critical component of successful lymphedema management for many patients. Join us for this enlightening keynote address with Dr. Denise Campbell-Sherer as she provides us an overview of Canada’s obesity management best practices for supporting or achieving weight loss. Following this keynote session, participants will be able to: Identify obesity as a chronic disease. Discuss changes to and key recommendations outlined in the comprehensive 2020 Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines. Determine a patient’s obesity class and stage and describe how to do a root cause assessment. Explain how the “5A’s of obesity management” can be used to facilitate collaborative conversations around weight management between patients and clinicians. Meet our Speakers and Presenters.



    5 parallel sessions
    15:00 - 16:00 EDT
    Salon A/B/C
      Open to All

    1. Discoveries in genetics and primary lymphedema

    Presented by: Dr. Catherine C. McCuaig The current panel of genetic tests include 11 mutations, although over 40 primary lymphedema defects have been identified in which lymphedema is the primary finding. Other vascular anomalies may share similar genetic findings. In addition, there are many conditions that have other major problems, such that lymphedema may be a minor component. The phenotype and genotype may vary each condition. Discovering which genetic mutation is responsible for the lymphedema, may lead to preventative measures, such as in GATA2 deficiency, during which life saving bone marrow transplantation prevents the onset of leukemia. Or the patient with lymphedema who was found to have a syndrome called Tuberous Sclerosis. The latter had their lymphedema improve greatly due to the use of sirolimus that inhibits the RAS mutation. Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Recognize the important role of genetics in causing primary lymphedema 2. Understand the link between other vascular anomalies and lymphedema 3. Appreciate the important new therapeutics that can address the genetic mutation Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    15:00 - 16:00 EDT
    Salon D
      Open to All

    2. Lymphedema prospective surveillance and risk reduction

    Lymphedema prospective surveillance and risk reduction In this session, Dr. Shallwani will examine prospective surveillance and risk reduction approaches in lymphedema. She will present the latest research evidence on these approaches and share examples of two Canadian programs. She will also discuss practical challenges to integrating prospective surveillance, and propose potential solutions based on research findings and clinical experience. Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the principal components of the prospective surveillance model 2. Identify potential lymphedema risk reduction practices (non-surgical) 3. Be familiar with recent research on lymphedema prospective surveillance and risk reduction 4. Recognize potential challenges and solutions to implementing prospective surveillance for lymphedema Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    15:00 - 16:00 EDT
    Salon E

    3. Wounds and lymphedema: prevalence and management

    Presented by: Dr. David Keast In a review of multiple international studies involving over 21000 patients, the overall prevalence of wounds in persons living with lymphedema was 32.8%. Prevalence ranged from a low of 2% to a high of 73.6%. Wounds are prevalent in chronic edema of the lower extremity. In this session an approach to management with a focus on the updated Consensus Document on Wound Infection will be reviewed. Case studies will be presented. Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Appraise the statistics on the prevalence of wounds in persons living with lymphedema 2. Describe an approach to management of chronic wounds. 3. Review the characterises of infected wounds. 4. Discuss cases Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    15:00 - 16:00 EDT
    Dixon Room
      Open to All
      Panel Presentation

    4. How does lymphedema and its care impact body image and sexuality?

    Panel discussion. Marie-Ève Letellier, Panel Moderator With Sandra Rotholc, RSW RP RMFT ACST and Anna Towers, MD n this interactive panel session, which is open to all attendees, experienced clinicians will lead a discussion on topics such as a modern, holistic view of sexuality and how one can regain a sense of wholeness despite having lymphedema. The panel will also explore how a therapist might consider the fact that lymphedema impacts body image and one's sexual self and integrate this into their practice. Session objectives: · Understand what is meant by the term “body image” · Understand what intimacy/sexuality is, and how these can be impacted for people living with a chronic health condition · Understand the important role of communication · Understand the kinds of resources and supports available · Reflect on the importance of considering couple relationships when one assesses or treats lymphedema Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    15:00 - 16:00 EDT
    Forum 3

    5. Lymphedema: learning to take care

    Presenters: Anna Kennedy, Jean Ann Ryan, RNBN, CLT Join us for this session which will provide a lymphedema overview for first time attendees, newly diagnosed patients, and those at risk. Learn about the diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema, along with practical suggestions on how to manage lymphedema on a daily basis. Topics covered will include: · Lymphedema basics (primary vs. secondary) and prevalence in Canada · Risk factors · Diagnosis and stages · Signs and symptoms · Cornerstones of treatment: MLD, compression, skin care and exercise · Practical, day-to-day suggestions for managing your lymphedema · Where to find support: national and local resources Meet our Speakers and Presenters.



    16:00 - 16:30 EDT
    Exhibit Hall
      Break, Exhibits, Posters, Networking

    30-Minute Movement Break - Exhibit Hall Time

    30-minute break period for stretching, refreshments, exploring the Exhibit Hall, networking, visiting the Photography Studio, and Poster Hall viewing.



    5 parallel sessions
    16:30 - 18:00 EDT
    Salon A/B/C

    1. New ILA recommendations for diagnosis of lipedema

    Presented by Dr. Anna Towers Lipedema remains an under-researched condition. How to diagnose the condition was the topic that was considered during 2022 by a Working Group of the International Lipoedema Association (ILA). Their final recommendations, supported by the ILA board, will be presented here. There will be opportunity to discuss challenges in diagnosing lipedema. Following this presentation, participants will: 1. Better understand the medical and psychosocial complexities involved in diagnosing lipedema. 2. Be aware of recent research that calls into question some previously accepted beliefs regarding lipedema. 3. Understand the importance of including abnormal pain (alloydynia) as a criterion in making a diagnosis. 4. Be aware of future research priorities that will improve the diagnosis of lipedema. Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    16:30 - 18:00 EDT
    Salon D
      Open to All

    2. Best care for the feet when you have lymphedema: education and treatment plan

    Presenters: Maryse Beaumier, Audrey Wall Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Explore skin and foot health changes with Lymphedema. 2. Discuss importance of foot care services in Canada - who’s on the team? 3. Recognize the role of the foot care nurse within the foot health team. 4. Review foot health self-management strategies. Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    16:30 - 18:00 EDT
    Salon E
      Open to All

    3. Skin changes in lymphedema and risk reduction

    Presented by: Dr Catherine C. McCuaig Lymphedema causes many skin changes. At the surface of the skin, one notes dryness. This can lead to vulnerability to trauma and infection. Deeper down in the skin, there may be deposition of fat and eventually fibrosis . Prevention and treatment of these potential complications will be discussed. Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Identify changes in the skin due to lymphedema 2. Xerosis skin injury and infection 3. How to counter and minimize these changes 4. Tips of the trade Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    16:30 - 18:00 EDT
    Dixon Room
      Open to All

    4. Oral abstract presentations group 1

    Moderated by: More information coming soon. Experience of Lymphedema and Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors Diagnosed with COVID-19. Presented by: Elizabeth Anderson ======================= Independent prospective follow-up of lymphedema patients who have undergone lymphatic surgeries. Presented by: Marie-Ève Letellier ======================= Independent prospective follow-up of lymphedema patients who have undergone lymphatic surgeries. Presented by: Marize Ibrahim Meet our Speakers and Presenters.

    16:30 - 18:00 EDT
      Roundtable Discussion

    5. What I have learned: patient-to-patient advice

    Interactive workshop session open to patients Facilitators: Lori Radke, PT, CDT; Catharine Bowman; Heather Watt, OT Living with lymphedema? We want to hear from you as a lymphedema expert! The CLF recognizes the vast, experiential knowledge that is available through patient voices and wishes to engage patients in developing education for other patients and those involved in their lymphedema care. The format for this session will be a small group, interactive workshop for participants to collaborate, brainstorm, and ultimately create a ‘living’ document of advice to support current and future lymphedema patients along the journey of living with lymphedema. No identifying information will be collected or published for this document. Please attend this session if you would like to be part of this exciting project! Session objectives: To provide a safe, inclusive space for patients to collaborate, connect, and create: A list of suggestions to share with other patients on what they feel could have made their lymphedema journey smoother. A list of patient recommendations that reflect the goal of patient-centered lymphedema management. Meet our Speakers and Presenters.



    18:00 - 20:00 EDT
    Exhibit Hall
      Open to All
      Break, Exhibits, Posters, Networking

    Welcome Reception

    Your co-hosts: The CLF and Diamond Partner, Bauerfeind Canada Networking, cocktails & hors d'oeuvres in the Exhibition Hall area. Don't miss this opportunity to network with other delegates, visit our expansive Exhibition Hall to learn about important products and services with our exhibitors and visit our Poster Hall to view and vote on poster abstract presentations.

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