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Panel Presentation
1. Surgical management of lymphedema
Panel Presentation: Surgical management of lymphedema Presented by: Dr. Siba Haykal, Dr. Claire Temple-Oberle, Dr. Andrew Simpson, Dr. Benoît Cartier. Presentation Overview During this session, we will discuss the surgical options available for lymphedema depending on stage. We will review preventative techniques, physiologic techniques, and excisional options. We will delve into indications for each option and provide a better understanding of the way each technique works. 1. Introduction (Dr Siba Haykal) 2. Preventative techniques (Dr Claire Temple-Oberle) 3. Physiological techniques (Dr. Andrew Simpson) 4. Ablative techniques (Dr. Benoît Cartier) Panel Session Objectives: 1. To present surgical techniques available for lymphedema. 2. To discuss patient selection and staging related to surgical techniques. 3. To explore preventative surgical techniques. Meet our Speakers and Presenters.
2. The 5As Team approach to holistic obesity assessment and management
Presented by: Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer, Melanie Heatherington Obesity Canada’s 5As of Obesity Management program was designed as a step-by-step framework for busy non-specialists to support obesity management in their clinical settings. Dr. Denise Campbell-Scherer and Education Specialist Melanie Heatherington lead this interactive workshop to introduce lymphedema clinicians to the “5AsT toolkit” to equip them with tools to support patients whose lymphedema is related to or impacted by elevated weight. Following this workshop session, participants will be able to: Support patients to understand how comorbidities and personal context are related to obesity management. Use the 5As Team approach to conduct clinical encounters for obesity management with patients that result in deep understanding of their unique situation and value-based goals. Use the 5As Team approach to work collaboratively with patients to develop a personalized care plan that aligns with the patient’s value-based goals. Meet our Speakers and Presenters.
3. Oral abstract presentations group 2
Moderated by: More information coming soon. Evaluating radiotherapy-induced circulating cytokine levels as predictors of lymphedema risk. Presented by: Jennifer Kwan ======================= Improving Lymphedema Care: Advantages of a Lymphedema Database. Presented by: Georgina Cama Lee ======================= Establishment of a Biobank of secondary lymphedema patients at the University of Alberta: Success and Challenges. Presented by: Nirav Patel Meet our Speakers and Presenters.
4. Fitters' Forum: Interactive roundtable discussion for garment fitters
For garment fitters only; pre-registration required (SEE LINK, BELOW). The Canadian Lymphedema Framework recognizes the integral role of the compression garment fitter on the lymphedema patient’s health care team. We feel that fitters are central to good lymphedema management, and that too often this important role is not given the recognition it deserves. We know that fitters face many challenges and have few opportunities to network and share best practices, or even to share their experience. The CLF thanks the fitting team from Diamond Athletic Supplies for accepting our request to facilitate this discussion with garment fitters, and we thank garment fitters for their participation We look forward to learning from you! Session objectives: • Reflect on your experience and collaborate to produce a list of things you wish to share with various groups such as patients, prescribers, manufacturers, and insurance companies. • Contribute as much as you wish in each section of the discussion. There are no wrong answers. • Session facilitators will collect this feedback and the CLF commits to collating it, sharing it with you, and considering “next steps” to continue this important dialogue. • Network. Share. Have Fun. ============================== If you are interested in attending, please follow this link to register your interest: Professional Sessions Pre-Registration ============================== See all session descriptions and explore the entire program at this link.
5. Aqua lymphatic therapy for therapists
Interactive, in pool Presented by: Marie-Ève Letellier Finding solutions to help our clients with managing their lymphedema is the goal of most therapists. Emphasis if often made on the use of compression and exercise. What about exercising in the water; using the natural compression provided by the water and movement to get the most for the lymphatic system! This workshop is an introduction for lymphedema trained therapists to Aqua Lymphatic Therapy (ALT), which is a safe method for treating mild to moderate lymphedema in the maintenance phase of therapy. It is a good supplement to land-based treatments. A brief introduction to water exercises will be given followed by a practical session into the pool, providing examples for both upper and lower limb lymphedema. Kindly note that no exercise sheets will be provided and that photography/filming is not allowed. Please bring your smile, flip flops, bathing suit, goggles and come discover ALT! The workshop spaces are limited and offered on a sign-up basis. If you are interested in attending, please follow this link to register your interest: Professional Sessions Pre-Registration ====================== About Your Pool Workshop Leaders: Learn about your workshop leader, Marie-Ève Letellier, PhD, and co-facilitator Marize Ibrahim, here: Meet Our Speakers