October 27, 2023

Prisma Health Education and Research Institute Showcase

When | Friday, October 27, 2023 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Where | Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center
1101 Lincoln Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Exhibit Hall (Lower Level)

Directions and Parking Information may be accessed here. Please note that there are multiple parking options. The CMCC parking lot adjacent to the facility is available at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Pay-for-Parking garages and metered parking spaces are available around the facility.

All events for the Showcase will occur in the Exhibit Hall, which is on the lower level of the facility. Floor plan map is available here.

Who | Affiliated clinicians and academicians (Prisma Health, Clemson University, Furman University, and University of South Carolina) and their students, residents, and fellows are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster presentation.

What | Prisma Health celebrates research and scholarly activity that are competitively selected annually at the Prisma Health Education and Research Institute Showcase. This continuing learning opportunity hosts a scientifically diverse spectrum of basic and clinical research and quality improvement activities aligned with Prisma Health priorities and goals. Through the Showcase, Prisma Health with its academic partners (Clemson University, Furman University, and University of South Carolina) seeks to encourage comraderie and collaboration producing evidence informing clinical practice. The Showcase also provides a venue for individuals to refine their peer-reviewed presentation skills.

Exhibit Hall Layout

Locate presentation, poster, and outreach/researcher table set-up.

Call for Abstracts

Review the Call for Abstracts for detailed information regarding submission requirements for abstracts and posters.

Send an Upvote

The abstracts and posters that will be presented at the Showcase will become electronically available on this website under the heading "Abstracts & Posters" on Monday, October 23. As you review, if you find one that is especially great and interesting, leave an upvote for the study team. We will tally all upvotes received between Monday, October 23, 9:00 am and Friday, October 27, 12:30 pm. The poster with the largest number of upvotes will receive the "Researchers' Choice Award" at the awards ceremony. Please note that you must register/login to the system to be able to leave an upvote or comment for the study team.


Calling all Volunteers!

Volunteers are needed the day of the event, October 27, to help with tasks like set-up and clean-up, greeting, etc. If you are interested, please sign up here.

Interested in reviewing previous years' abstracts and posters? Click here for 2021 and here for 2022.



Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center

1101 Lincoln Street Columbia, SC United States, 29201

Registration period

August 10, 2023 - 12:00 AM until October 27, 2023 - 2:45 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact Research-Assist@prismahealth.org .

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