Starting Your Career in Teaching and Learning in Chemistry
This workshop is intended to prepare attendees to think about potential careers and documenting their experience and perspectives in teaching and learning in chemistry. Facilitators will begin with a discussion on the variety of teaching pathways in science education. Participants will then consider what kinds of evidence can be used to present their teaching experience and interests as they seek out careers in the field. The session will conclude with some useful tips on how you might go about collecting information and evidence about your teaching, what is valuable to collect, and what opportunities you might want to seek out going forward.
Dr. Jennifer L. MacDonald
Dalhousie University, Department of Chemistry
Dr. Elizabeth Gillis
Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching
Starting Your Career in Academia
Are you considering a career in academia? This workshop is intended to expose you to how to best prepare for a career in academia, how to find postings, choosing a postdoc experience to build your career, applying, the interview and more. The workshop hosts will discuss their experiences and provide tips and advice.
Dr. Carlie Charron
Dalhousie University
Dr. Ryan MacDonell
Dalhousie University
Navigating a Start-Up Business
This workshop will host three local chemistry start-up businesses where the individuals will share their diverse experiences starting a business, growing a business, applying/getting your foot in the door and much more.
Integrative Nanotech is focused on the development of a next-generation hydrogen sensor for early leak detection applications, by leveraging specialized nanomaterials. The technology aims to address a gap in the market, especially in automotive applications, where no technology can currently address standards set by the U.S. Department of Energy. Integrative Nanotech is also working in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films in Braunschweig, Germany to leverage their state-of-the-art facilities and expertise.
Lab 4 Inc. is a mineral processing technology company. We are focused on creating sustainable and highly efficient solutions in the mining industry specifically battery metals and graphite. Lab 4 Inc. has developed a lithium-ion battery recycling technology that is able to recover over 98.5% of the economic value of the battery, producing battery grade metals and graphite. Our process is customizable, sustainable, throughput and highly efficient. The technology is undergoing phase II to build a pilot plant facility in Dartmouth, NS.
Coloursmith Labs Inc. was founded in 2018 by Gabrielle Masone. Coloursmith is a small/medium enterprise based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, that specializes in the design and development of novel sophisticated optical filtering materials for the global vision care industry. Coloursmith is in the process of commercializing a number of products that protect and enhance the vision of commodity contact and eyeglass lens users.
Dr. Hunter King
Integrative Nanotech
Dr. Hunter King is the founder of Integrative Nanotech Ltd. He has a bachelors and master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Dalhousie University where he worked on lab-on-chip microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-based sensor platforms. Following his work at Dalhousie he moved to Braunschweig, Germany in 2016 to continue his work with a focus on material development for sensing applications. He worked as a project lead at the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST focusing on the development of silicon materials for MEMS and sensing applications. He also worked on and led projects developing materials for photovoltaics, diamond materials for ozone production, process digitalization, and AI-powered data and process analytics. Hunter received his PhD from the Technische Universität Braunschweig in mechanical engineering where he developed low temperature material production processes for direct MEMS sensor integration onto prefabricated integrated circuits.
Nifemi Oguntuase
Lab 4 Inc.
Nifemi Oguntuase is the founder and CEO of Lab 4 Inc., with a background in chemistry and finance, she has deep interests in clean and sustainable practices in the mineral processing industry. She has contributed to the research and development of several battery metal processing technologies.
William Curtis
Coloursmith Labs
William Curtis is the Research Operations Manager for Coloursmith Labs. At Coloursmith, William is responsible for directing the research and development at Coloursmith, which includes designing experiments, delivering reports, and running the laboratory. Before joining Coloursmith, Mr. Curtis was a Researcher, Research and Development for KLOX Technologies, where he was responsible for R&D of best in care bio-photonic products. Areas of research include Dermatology, Oral Health, and Wound Care. Mr. Curtis holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Dalhousie University, and an MSc in Materials Chemistry from McGill University.
EDI within the Chemistry Community - The Next Generation
This year's conference theme is Diversity in Chemistry. Our mission is to uplift the voices and experiences of underrepresented groups and showcase students and educators that are working toward creating a more accessible future. Dr. Alex J. Veinot and Dr. Nola Etkin will host a workshop where they will discuss EDI within our Chemistry Community. What works? What doesn't? With the focus on moving forward with EDI for the next generation.
Dr. Nola Etkin
University of Prince Edward Island
Nola Etkin is the Dean of Science and a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Prince Edward Island, where she has taught Organic Chemistry and conducted research in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis since 1997. Dr. Etkin currently serves on the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC)’s Committee Working for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (WIDE), the CSC Board as Director of Student Affairs, and the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat’s Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
Dr. Etkin’s involvement in Equity work began as a PhD student at the University of Alberta where she was involved in the local Women in Science and Engineering group and co-chaired the campus LGBTQ group then known as Gays and Lesbians on Campus (GALOC). This involvement has continued throughout her career - she was a founding co-chair of Abegweit Rainbow Collective, which was formed to provide support and advocacy to PEI’s 2SLGBTQ+ community, and is currently a member of the UPEI Joint Equity Committee and the UPEI EDI Steering Committee. Prior to her appointment as Dean, she served as the President of the UPEI Faculty Association, and has served on the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) Equity Committee. In 2016 she edited the book Making Chemistry Inclusive: Proceedings of the CSC Symposium on Equity and Diversity in Chemistry., and in 2020 she was awarded the Chemical Institute of Canada’s Chemistry Education Award, recognizing in part her contributions to EDI within Chemistry Education.
Dr. Alex J. Veinot
Western University
Alex Veinot is originally from Middleton, Nova Scotia and is a member of the Mi’kmaq community Glooscap First Nation. Alex completed his BScH (2015) at Acadia University with Prof. Bobby Ellis before moving to Saint Mary’s University to complete his MSc (2017) with Prof. Jason Masuda. Looking to broaden his research background, Alex then moved to Queen’s University to complete his PhD (2022) with Prof. Cathleen Crudden as a Vanier Scholar. Currently, Alex is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in the Ragogna group at Western University. His research background spans main group, organic, and surface chemistry, 2D and 3D self-assembly, and N-heterocyclic carbenes. Alex has contributed to Indigenous academics and representation in science through numerous invited conference and seminar presentations, panel discussions, and has promoted equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) more broadly by assisting with the formation of the Queen’s local CWIC chapter QC-IDEAS, and serving on CSC WIDE.
Biovectra - What we do and how to begin a career
This workshop is intended to provide insights into Biovectra as well as how best apply and get hired within their company. Abbie and Cassandra are both recent undergraduates from UPEI and are excited to share their experiences.
Abbie MacDonald
Cassandra Reid