For your convenience, we have compiled some options for booking accommodations through Dalhousie. Each option shows pricing details and information on booking.
Gerard Hall
For attendees seeking accommodation at Dalhousie, one option is Gerard Hall, located at 5303 Morris St. Accommodations are bookable through their Dalhousie website (link below), with the code CHEMCON23. Gerard Hall only remains booked off until April 9, so if you wish to secure a room, make sure to do so before then. The rate will remain the same after April 9 pending availability.
Single room:
- Student rate: $37.50 plus tax per night
- Group rate: $50.00 plus tax per night
Double room:
- Student rate: $57.75 plus tax per night
- Group rate: $77.00 plus tax per night
King's College
The other option for booking accommodation with Dal is King's College, located at 6350 Coburg Rd. This puts King's closer to the conference location than Gerard Hall. Rooms can be booked by filling out a form on their website or writing them an email. Taxes are included in the following prices.
Single room:
- $70.00 per night
Double room:
- $100.00 per night