CanJChem Special Issue

Special Issue Highlighting Undergraduate Reseach


The ChemCon 2023 organizing committee are excited to announce that we have partnered with Canadian Science Publishing and the Canadian Journal of Chemistry to publish a special issue of Can. J. Chem. highlighting the excellence in undergraduate research work from across Canada!

Undergraduate student researchers from across Canada, (Atlantic region-ChemCon 2023) (Southern Ontario region-SOUSCC51) and (Western region -WCUCC) are invited to submit their undergraduate research work in the form of a scientific journal article to the following special issue of Can. J. Chem:

"Highlighting Excellence in Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Research"

All undergraduate driven research projects, where the undergraduate student(s) is/are the primary author(s) can be contributed to this special issue.

Submission to Special Issue Opens: April 1, 2023

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023

The final publication of the issue is anticipated in early 2024.

Guest Editors:
Rory Chisholm (Dalhousie University, ChemCon)
Shannon Accettone (Trent University, SOUSCC)
Katherine Stewart (Trent University, SOUSCC)
Alex Brown (UAlberta, WCUCC)

To maintain the high standards of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry, papers submitted to the special issue will be subject to the same peer-review process as all papers accepted by Can. J. Chem.

If you plan to contribute to this special issue, please let one of the listed guest editors know via email as soon as possible.

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