
* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EST.

  • 8:00 AM


    2 parallel sessions
    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
    l'Espace Jardin, Pavillon Desjardins 1400, Université Laval

    Continental Breakfast

    8:00 AM - 2:30 PM EDT
    Hall d'entrée - Pavillion Désjardins 4512, Université Laval


    9:00 AM


    9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
    Pavillion Désjardins 4512

    Welcome from local hosts

    · Sophie D’Amours, Rector, Université Laval Directors of northern-research entities based at ULaval: · ArcticNet - Philippe Archambault · UMI Takuvik - Philippe Archambault · Centre for Northern Studies - Richard Fortier · Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA) - Geneviève Motard · Amundsen Science · Sentinel North · Québec Ocean - Jean-Éric Tremblay · Institut nordique du Québec - Jean-Éric Tremblay · Erik Furu, Deputy Head of Mission, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ottawa

    10:00 AM


    10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT
    Pavillion Désjardins 4512

    UArctic Assembly Meeting

    1 Opening 2 Introduction to Meeting Rules & Voting Procedures 3 Approval of Meeting Agenda & Selection of Examiners 4 UArctic Reports 4.1 Board Chair 4.2 President 5 UArctic Membership: 5.1 Introduction

    11:30 AM


    11:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT


    Questions and networking with new member applicants

    12:00 PM


    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
    Pavillion Désjardins 4512

    UArctic Assembly Meeting

    5.2 Approval of New Arctic Members 5.3 Approval of New Non-Arctic Members 6 Election of Board 6.1 Board Member 6.2 Student Representative

    1:00 PM


    1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
    l'Espace Jardin, Pavillon Desjardins 1400, Université Laval


    2:00 PM


    2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
    Pavillion Désjardins 4512

    Panel Discussion on Sustainable Development

    The panel will focus on different issues related to sustainable development and climate changes in the northern and Arctic regions. Our civilization will not be able to wean itself off fossil fuels in time to avoid severe warming of the world's oceans and lower atmosphere. It is now clear that northern terrestrial and marine environments are rapidly and severely affected by the climate changes of the Anthropocene. This redraws the contours of social and economic development in the North. It also dramatically affects "southern" regions. In addition to the impact of climate change, there is global population growth and a increased demand for resources. At the same time certain northern regions remain socially and economically underdeveloped. It is fundamental to consider a harmonious and sustainable development of the northern and Arctic regions in order to manage the opportunities that arise from, for example, new shipping lanes and access to a new Blue Economy, to name a few. Panelists: · Lars Kullerud, President of UArctic (Chair) · Jean Lemire, Commissioner for Climate Change and Northern and Arctic Issues, Government of Québec · David Hik, Executive Director - Programs, Polar Knowledge Canada · Sophie D’Amours, Rector, Université Laval · Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General of the International Association of Universities (IAU) · Lena Maria Nilsson, Umeå University · Rachel Guindon, Biology Student, Université Laval Audience members will have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments following the panel discussion.

    6:00 PM


    6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
    Musée de la Civilisation de Québec

    Indigenous-themed social evening

    Spend time networking with fellow northern researchers and be entertained by Inuit artists. The Musée de la Civilisation is located at 85 rue Dalhousie in the historic district of Old Quebec and is surrounded by wonderful restaurants and boutique hotels. **Please note that only finger food will be served during the indigenous-themed evening.** Evening highlights: · Cocktail hour featuring boreal products · Exhibition on First Nations and Inuit in the 21st Century, · Traditional Inuit throat singing and drumming - Janice Parsons Gordon and Sandy Emudluk, (Kuujuuaq) Hosted by: · Eugénie Brouillet, Vice rector of Research, Creation and Innovation, Université Laval · François Gélineau, Vice Rector of International Affairs and Sustainable Development, Université Laval Speakers: · Michèle Audette, Canadian Senator and Assistant to the Vice-Rector of Academic and Student Affairs and Senior Advisor for Reconciliation and Indigenous Education, Université Laval · Liisa Holmberg, UArctic Assembly Meeting Chair · Ian Lafrenière, Minister Responsible for Relations with the First Nations and the Inuit, Government of Québec · Maïté Blanchette Vézina - Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, Government of Québec, responsible for Société du Plan Nord Note: This activity is included in the registration for the UArctic 2023 meeting. Please confirm your presence on the meeting registration form.

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