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Getting Ready For ICOP?
Update your Profile: To get the most out of the conference, please login the conference system and update your personal information. This will help with your networking.
Uploading Oral Presentations and Posters: Please see the Presenter Information webpage for important information regarding uploading your oral presentations and posters.
Check out the Program and Participants: When you are logged into the conference website (, you will find submenus under “Program” related to the technical program, list of participants, etc.. Have a look and you can already review some posters and abstracts that have been uploaded by participants.
Conference Program: The digital conference program will be delivered to all participants this Friday. Stay tuned!
In-Person Registration: For those of you joining us in Whitehorse, registration will open on Sunday afternoon (1 pm) at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre (KDCC). Please register before going to the icebreaker, which will open, starting at 5 pm at the MacBride Museum, just 2 blocks from the KDCC.
Watching the Presentations: All participants (virtual and in-person) will have access to all oral presentations and virtual poster sessions through the Live App which launches on Sunday June 16th when accessing the conference website. Live streaming from plenary and parallel sessions will begin Monday June 17th, all accessed via the Live App.
Virtual Participation: No additional software is required to participate virtually, however there are general suggestions and quick troubleshooting guide available for you here.
Recordings: All presentations will be recorded, and the recordings will be made available to conference participants. However, we will need to edit the recordings and we do not know yet, when this will be done. We will do our best to make those available as quickly as possible.
Conference Proceedings: Links to the proceedings with full papers and the book of extended abstracts will be available shortly.
- MAY 31th 2024 We are thrilled to announce our Keynote speakers for ICOP2024: link
- MAY 2nd 2024 Conference Program including sessions now posted.
- APRIL 6th 2024 Updated Program at a Glance. Details on session times coming soon!
- MARCH 30th 2024 Students and ECRs, check out the various financial support opportunities provided here: link
- FEBRUARY 28th 2024 Due to capacity limitations in the City of Whitehorse and the venue, we can current not accept more in-person registrations. If you are interested to be on the waitlist, please let us know via email. If you are registered for the virtual conference and are on the waitlist for an in-person spot, we can upgrade your registration.
- FEBRUARY 26th 2024 If you require an invitation letter for a visa application, please let us know ASAP by sending an email.
- FEBRUARY 13th 2024 Registration is now reopened for virtual and in person attendance! Due to space limitations in Whitehorse, the in-person capacity is limited to 450 participants.
- JANUARY 29th 2024 All authors that have submitted a paper and/or an extended abstract should have now received a decision email with instructions on how to proceed. We have received an overwhelming number of requests for oral and in-person poster presentations, and because of the limited slots available to give talks, we had to decline multiple requests. This has been a very difficult decision for the technical program committee and decisions, which included multiple criteria, were not made easy. Please contact us immediately if you have not received an email, and also check your junk folders.
- JANUARY 1st 2024 We are temporarily pausing registration to select and notify the technical program authors who will be presenting their work at ICOP2024. We will re-open registration when the presenting authors have been notified and some system updates completed. We are working hard to complete this next step as quickly as possible and apologize for the inconvenience. There are no concerns if you have already registered.
- December 8th 2023 Call for Extended Abstracts is now closed. A HUGE thank you for all the submissions! The session chairs, together with the technical program committee, are working extremely hard to review all contributions, and we will do our very best to provide everyone with a decision by the end of January 2024. Some extremely difficult decisions must be made, and none of them will be taken lightly.